If You Have Empty Tanks In The Shed, In The Loft Or Somewhere...


Fish Herder
Feb 21, 2012
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Imagine having no time or space constraints, what would you do with all your currently empty tanks?
I would put a ruddy giant hole in my hallway cupboard wall and sit the tanks flush to the hallway, with access for maintenance in the cupboard. Alas however I dont own the wall, so that 96"x10"x10" will stay empty right now.
Wow... that is a streched-out tank!
What would you stock it with?
Right now I have no idea lol. I do know I want it to be a habitat replication of a reasonably fast stream. Subtrate, plants etc. to match probably an Asian location. Filter intake at one end, output at another and a couple of power heads inbetween, forcing the water to travel the length. I simply saw it a few years ago going for £25 and just bought it, been in storage ever since, waiting for the day I can mount it in a wall haha

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