Let me give it a go.
one movie : A New Leaf with Walter Matthau
One TV show : Sorry no popular TV in my home. I use TV to watch movies or the financial news.
one book: The Pride of Chanur by C J Cherryh
one web site (sucking up not allowed, the mods all know we love it here): American Livebearer Association (even MODs don't always suck up)
one video game: None, I am not a gamer
one vacation spot: Pacific Northwest of the US, most especially the Olympic peninsula's temperate rainforest
one pet (besides a fish): My dog which is a mixed breed including beagle and a water dog mix. Her nose is her main external sense organ but she never notices when she has walked right into the water. I have seen her swim almost all the way across a pond before realizing her feet were wet.
one fish: Any almost extinct goodeid. I keep as many of them as I can find room to house.
one type of food or dish: I love a good enchilada
one restaurant non chain: El Matador, the place I get those enchiladas in my home town
one restaurant chain: None, I like my restaurants to be focused on customer service, not corporate earnings.
one random thing: I find it best to accept what I am unable to change but never find it good enough to accept anything that I can hope to improve. I am a dreamer who grew to adulthood in the 1960s and continue to protest in my own individual way, as I did during the "hippy" era. These days my values have matured but my willingness to thrust myself into a situation that needs rectifying has not changed much. I still find myself at odds with the "establishment" in many situations.