That is brillaint! I wish the shops near me had tank raised altumsThere's tank raised ones in the market
That is brillaint! I wish the shops near me had tank raised altumsThere's tank raised ones in the market
That’s awesome! And any freshwater fish is fine! Pikes are very coolNorthern Pike.
I don’t think OP mentioned tropical freshwater fish, only freshwater.
if I had the setup and sized tank to keep it happy, a pike for sure.
Ooo I love puffers!I've always wanted some type of sizable puffer. Not super tiny like a pea puffer but not a monster like a mbu or fahaka either.
I love them to pieces and all cichlids can definetely communicate in some sort of way which is so cool to see!As far as a favorite fish goes, I think a Bolivian Ram. Rams are so intelligent, they are as interested in me as I am in them, and their feeding habits are adorable. Of course, that is setting aside that they really do better with dither fish so they know everything is safe. A Ram would probably be shyer and hide more all on his lonesome. So maybe in that case it would be more responsible to do a school of Harlequin Rasboras instead, if they had to be the only species in the tank. They school tightly, have lovely coloring, and will display to each other but in a super peaceful way.
I actually had one of those a couple years back.Pantadon Butterfly fish