If you could choose...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2005
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Hey all,

We found an auction on aquabid for 12 assorted rainbows shipped for 60 dollars. We decided to jump on the deal, and now we need to know which species to pick. We're thinking a school of 7 bosemanis, and a school of a smaller, complimenting species. Which would you choose if it was your tank?

Alinda Buckingham
co-chair ISU fishtank committee
For one I wouldn't go with a smaller species as the bosemani will get larger then them and might cause trouble. The only small species I might recommend (other than neon rainbows, which are so common) are the celebes rainbows (Telmatherni ladigesi). Other than that the standard species that would work is really up to the colour or look you want, my personal favorite is the madacascar rainbow (bedotia geayi), the males are quite striking with a red anal fin, Red Irian rainbows (glossolepis incisus) are also very nice, but I find they can be pushy and would need to be given there space, the last of my favorites is the Checkered or ornate rainbow (Melanotaenia Splendida). But make sure with the rainbows they have lots of swimming space, and if you want good colours you should try some live plants and a mixed diet including frozen bloodworms or freshwater shrimp.
what about parkisonii rainbows?? i have 2 and they are stunning.i have 2 boesemans and 2 salmon reds as well. all get on like a house on fire. :nod:
I think if you can find the turquiose/Lake Kutubu rainbow it would be nice. It gets to be about 3 inches i believe.



Thanks guys!! That helps a lot. I'll let you know when we decide.

The tank is a 125, and will be moderately planted when we're done. How many of each would you recommend if we got neons, checkered, or turqoise?

We can have more fish, or fewer fish than 12 because we can get more at the auction price, and one of the committee members wants some for his 55 planted at home now. He didn't even know these fish existed until I brought them up at the meeting. He and his wife almost fell off the chair when I passed around the pictures. :kana:
I'd say keep more neons than turquise just cause they are smaller than other rainbows and wont stand out in the tank unless you have a nice size school.

How about:

2 checkered
4 bosemani
6 turquiose
10 neons
and a school of cories.

Hehe im fantasizing about my next rainbow tank. At least thats what i would do. I've also found that danios seem to compliment rainbows well.

Whatever you do, good luck with it and post some pics when youre done!

Awesome! Thanks for the help!!

We already have 2 giant danios in the tank. Do you think having some rainbows would help tame them? They're always chasing the poor tetras, so we were thinking of getting rid of them.
I'd recommend finding another home for the tetras, danios will not mix well with majority of them. The danios never touch the rainbows though.

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