If The 1" To Gallon Is Only Vague.........

Well you did mention it was smooth so should be ok, the more adult corys would deal with it but young ones might not be able to throw it about as easily when looking for food.

i swapped over to sand as soon as i realised i wanted corys, its really not hard. playground sand from Argos, washed, then scoop out the gravel with a dustpan. put in sand slowly with a measuring jug or something and cloudy water will vanish in about 2 hours. just depends how well you wash it. i find cleaning sand far easier than gravel and the fish seem far happier, even the mid water ones come down for a rummage. :)

Got some argos sand already, i have a large patch in one corner of the 42G tank, seperated off by some slate/stones.Probably get mixed up with gravel eventually, but if you don't try these things.....
I wonder if the irony would be that corys actually prefer very fine... mud! I've seen videos and some info that makes me think that sometimes. Mind you, I'm not sure and have never snorkled with them, lol.

The one cory expert I've heard talks from and who I've talked to both in person and over the phone has indicated that it's more about what your hand feels and less about the particle size. Just take any substrate, from pebbles all the way down to sand and rub it within your hand and think about whether you think it feels soft and comforting to your skin as opposed to scratchy and you'll be closer to feeling like the cory does.

This guy likes to go way out in remote streams away from any significant human population intrusion and find natural gravel that has been smoothed at stream-bottom for probably hundreds of years. Every little pebble or grain of sand is smooth and rounded in that case (an ideal most of us can't reach of course.)


Blimey, i can't type fast enough to keep up with all the comments.Think i've seen a video on you tube of the chap you mention.
Mud, you reckon.Well i do live in the Severn vale, plenty of clay there.But my mrs already thinks i'm mad, if i start carrying buckets of mud across the living room she flip.
Already tried, the rubbing in your palms trick, feels pretty smooth to me.Think i'll see how i get on.Next prob is deciding which Corys to get
Time for more research..again..

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