If I were to get a betta, what would I .......


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
What are the differences in bettas? Are some "better" than others?? Are some more expensive. Do some need bigger tanks than others, are some bigger???

Call me a betta VIRGIN because that's what I am!!!


No betta's are better than others. Some are a little more attractive. I started out with veiltales. Which are the ones that you can find anywhere in any pet store. I like crowntails the best, but it is hard to find them. I get mine from a wholesaler now.
do you mean different tail types? or different types of bettas like the betta imbellis?
I don't really know what I mean.... :lol: :*)

I've just been tossing around the idea of a betta for a while. I have a 2.5 gallon tank that isn't being used and I thought it would be nice to get a small betta for it. It's longer than tall and I have a small filter for it......is that bad??!! Betta owners don't seem to use filters that much :dunno: ???

:blink: :lol:

Thanks Big Al for the site.........I will go check it out now :hyper:

All of em are great,silver. :)

Why don't you go rescue a little gorgeous veilatil from a tiny cup,and then you'll be owned by the betta and forced to buy more tanks to keep more. You can't stop it,it's like chips...Can't stop at one. :hey:
Big_al_d said:
Hi Silver

Best thing I can suggest is go to Bettatalk

A HUGE site, which will hopefully help you out :D
it's not like you could find any information here god forbid :whistle:
Bettas don't really care for current and don't need filtration, which is why filters are rarely used by Betta owners. Your 2.5g bowl would be just fine for a Betta. You can get real nice "fancy" Bettas online. Some of my members at my site are also breeding and have some they're getting ready to sell, if you're interested. I believe some are crowntails as well.

I personally don't think Bettatalk is all that great a site. Lots of info on there that I consider questionable.

Hope I was helpful. :)
You were helpful, thanks!!

I don't really have a WHOLE lot of money to spend, but maybe would consider around $10.00 :dunno: Is that laughable!??? :*)

Give me your wisdom.....................I will listen ;) :nod:

It sucks that you can't buy the fancier type at the LFS!! :sly: That's kind of dumb if you ask me!!!!

I'm thinking about going to my LFS and getting a betta this evening? But my hubby don't know yet :whistle: :lol:

He thinks I'm nuts............HELL......we are ALL NUTS!!!! :lol:


You might get lucky and be able to find fancy bettas at the LFS. You have a better shot of spotting them at the smaller family-owned type fish stores. You'd be hard pressed to find anything other than a veiltail at PetSmart or other major chain stores.

I'm lucky, I have two LFS's that carry Crowntails. :)
Celura said:
You might get lucky and be able to find fancy bettas at the LFS. You have a better shot of spotting them at the smaller family-owned type fish stores. You'd be hard pressed to find anything other than a veiltail at PetSmart or other major chain stores.

I'm lucky, I have two LFS's that carry Crowntails. :)
silver, you could take a look in the phone book, i have done that on occassion. phone a few shops and ask them if they sell bettas, then if they have anything OTHER than veil-tail. i always laugh when someone answers "what? i didn't know there was anything other than veil-tail..." you might get lucky in that a knowledgeable employee might be able to point you in the right direction if they don't have anything. good luck, happy betta hunting ;)
At PetSmart and PetCo I've only seen veil tails (once they had a few female crown tails but didn't seem to realize the difference). One LFS near me has crowntail males every once in a while. In Walmart once I saw some pretty ugly double tails. That's my experience so far. Luckily I've slowly managed to get a breeding pair of crown tails out of it, they're my favorite. :)

So you might get lucky, who knows.
I was at a petsmart about 2 hours from here and I asked if they carried CTs and what the guy told me was they had them before but they didn't carry them now because they're not that popular. I was a little perturbed because I been looking all over for a CT :(

oh and about petco carrying non-veil tails: yeah right lol

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