Fish Addict
I bought some Reef Advantage Magnesium yesterday to help bring up the magnesium a bit before starting to tackle the calcium deficiency (370 Calc / 1050 Magnesium). I dripped in a few spoonfuls of the Mg yesterday and then again today and should be receiving the calc powder during the week to start with that. I've also ordered some Reef Builder (to buffer alkalinity) even though there's no issue now, I'm ready to deal with it when it starts to dip..
I also bought 6kg more live rock today, bringing the total to 33kg which I think should do the trick. With a little re-arrangment, here's how it looks now:
While I was at the lfs, I also decided to reserve a really nice looking green star xenia coral which, if everything goes well I'll go pick up next weekend.
I also bought 6kg more live rock today, bringing the total to 33kg which I think should do the trick. With a little re-arrangment, here's how it looks now:

While I was at the lfs, I also decided to reserve a really nice looking green star xenia coral which, if everything goes well I'll go pick up next weekend.