Identifying My Killifish


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Hello everyone. I have 2 killifish and am not sure which type. I saw a member on this site that had a picture as their "avatar" that looked just like my killifish. I copied the picture for future reference, as I have never been able to get one that good of quality on my own. I do not think I can attach it to this post, though. Anyway, the killifish I have are a rather bright yellow.
You most likely have a Golden Wonder Panchax (Aplocheilus lineatus) :) They are cool little fish, feed them baby guppies if you get a chance, they are excellent hunters and fun to watch.

You most likely have a Golden Wonder Panchax (Aplocheilus lineatus) :) They are cool little fish, feed them baby guppies if you get a chance, they are excellent hunters and fun to watch.


Looks just like that picture in your post. Now is that still a killifish?

Thanks so much for your reply, it is nice to know what I have in my tank. They really are cool fish. I was so upset when my one suddenly died, no warning. Still have the other 2.
You most likely have a Golden Wonder Panchax (Aplocheilus lineatus) :) They are cool little fish, feed them baby guppies if you get a chance, they are excellent hunters and fun to watch.


Looks just like that picture in your post. Now is that still a killifish?

Thanks so much for your reply, it is nice to know what I have in my tank. They really are cool fish. I was so upset when my one suddenly died, no warning. Still have the other 2.

Yup they are Killifish, they are non-Annuals, meaning the will live longer than Annual killifish (which as the name implys they live about a year). Panchax live about 3 years maybe longer if your lucky. Good luck w/ them! :)

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