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New Member
Dec 23, 2007
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Bough these two around 6 months ago. One has grown to around 2", the other 1.5", both were just over 1" at the time.
Was told they were bristle noses however now i'm not sure, and neither seem to show signs of any bristle developing either.

Plec A - larger of the two.





Plec B - smaller


Photos are not great - won't stay still and I've not quite grasped taking tank photos yet.
They are both common plecos likely to be P.Pardalis and growing to at least 12 inches
Thought as much,

Will have to re-home at some stage i fear, cheers guys
Thought as much,

Will have to re-home at some stage i fear, cheers guys

Wouldnt worry too much mate it takes them AGES to grow that big, i have got 3 plecs in my 2 1/2 foot tank due to rehoming ive had for a long time and non of them are bigger than 6-8 inches
Thought as much,

Will have to re-home at some stage i fear, cheers guys

Wouldnt worry too much mate it takes them AGES to grow that big, i have got 3 plecs in my 2 1/2 foot tank due to rehoming ive had for a long time and non of them are bigger than 6-8 inches

There growth will be stunted tbh and will die prematurely as the internal organs get squished up in the small body leading to a long and painfull death (12-20 years is a good life for a common in the right conditions) commons can grow 4-6" a year no probs, 24" isnt uncommon in a large enuff tank
Thought as much,

Will have to re-home at some stage i fear, cheers guys

Wouldnt worry too much mate it takes them AGES to grow that big, i have got 3 plecs in my 2 1/2 foot tank due to rehoming ive had for a long time and non of them are bigger than 6-8 inches

a common plec should grow in a good environment around 8-12 inches in the first year then slowing down through the rest of its lifetime

if u have a 3 commons in a 2 foot tank then why did u rehome them ur subjecting them 2 unsuitable conditions hence why they are not growing... as stated above the internal organs continue 2 grow eventually been squashed and casuing a very painful death :( u should have never rehomed such plecs if u only have a 2 foot tank :blink:
You will find that bn plecs will have a rounder shaped body, also the fins look quite thick on the edges those are definately commons, you better have a big tank!

but i wouldnt worry if the are common plecs soon as they get big enough sell them for big monies and buy two somwhat cheap bn plecos ;)
You will find that bn plecs will have a rounder shaped body, also the fins look quite thick on the edges those are definately commons, you better have a big tank!

but i wouldnt worry if the are common plecs soon as they get big enough sell them for big monies and buy two somwhat cheap bn plecos ;)

common plecs DO NOT sell for "BIG MONIES" no matter there size lol ive seen ppl giving away 12-18 inches 1's free so where do u get that they are so expensve when large lol
You will find that bn plecs will have a rounder shaped body, also the fins look quite thick on the edges those are definately commons, you better have a big tank!

but i wouldnt worry if the are common plecs soon as they get big enough sell them for big monies and buy two somwhat cheap bn plecos ;)

common plecs DO NOT sell for "BIG MONIES" no matter there size lol ive seen ppl giving away 12-18 inches 1's free so where do u get that they are so expensve when large lol

yeh they sell for 40 quid at my local fish store and bristles sell for 6 quid thats a 34 quid profit for me anyway maby its different for you but thats 68 quid, then i probs buy some more synondontis . so yeh
and how long are they in store for? the answer is until some dumb smuck enters buys it and sticks the poor thing in his 3 foot tank,

at work we practically just gave away a 22inch p.gibbiceps and a 18inch p.joselimaianus as they had been in the store for so long and nobody that had a tank big enough wanted to pay much for them

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