
Sep 8, 2005
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North Carolina
I recently got rid of my hermit crabs, and now I've got an empty 10 gallon tank. COULD I put a female betta with a male IF I put plenty of caves and plants in the tank? What kind of fake plants would be the best to use? And should I use sand or gravel? Any other Ideas just tell me.

:dunno: :kana: :hyper: :hyper: :nod: :shifty: :whistle:
well do you want babies? cause that's what might happen if they don't kill each other in the mean time I'm assuming. :blink:
Definitely do not do this, I think I just saw this question in another thread by you, and I meant to comment on it. It is not a good idea no matter what, but especially not in a 10 gallon. Your best bet woiuld be to get about 6 females and have a 10 gallon female community. Mine has mostly silk plants in it, but there are a few plastic ones too, since they don't seem to bother the girls like they do the boys. As for subtrate. All of my bettas have gravel, but I have a tropical tank that has sand, it really just comes down to what you like better.
Its a complicated thing, even during spawning a male and female could kill each other

....they have to get in the moooood...
Definitely not by just sticking them in a 10 gallon and waiting..... Check the stickies at the top of the page, and look through tons of stuff, breeding is a lot harder than just sticking a male and female together and getting babies. So research research research!!
I think I'll just stick to 6 females in a tank together. Do I have to put them all in there at the same time?

I couldn't keep them together even if I loaded the tank with hideouts? If not then my old forum lied to me
I still stick by my answer of DEFINITELY not. you put one female and a male together even with a heavily planted tank, and you are just asking for problems. I have a hard enough time with my females getting along in a 10 gallon. And yes you would put them in there at the same time.

edit: and BTW the old thread did not lie to you, noone on there said it would be ok to put a male and female together, there was one post regarding the issue and they said not to do it. Unless of course you are talking about another thread with the same question in another forum.
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
I couldn't keep them together even if I loaded the tank with hideouts? If not then my old forum lied to me
No you can't. Plain and simple.
The only time a female will be with a male is the few hours during breeding. and thats about it.

Just stick to the female community, they're as much fun as males.

The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
Ok, I guess I'll start a soroity tank. What all will I need?
a tank no less then 10 gallons
a group of no less then 4 female bettas, preferably 6
Alot of caves, hiding spots, plants(females can get as nasty as males)
a heater
a filter(optional)
Once you have all of that, just add water.
and don't forget to cycle

alright thanks, I just have to wait until my mom says it's alright to get bettas from online.........speaking of, do any of you have a female plakat for sale?

riogal~ No I'm talking about another website

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