Ideas On Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2009
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i have a 75 litre tank and thinking of using it for mainly tetras and a small plec

im thinking one small plec
6 marble hatchet fish

and some tetras in groups of 6
the tetras i like are
blue emperor tetra - kerri
fire tetra
gold tetra
black emporer tetra
longfin serpae tetra
splashing tetra
white fin ornate tetra
blue croaking tetra
With tetras whilst 6 is the minimum I would personally go for larger schools of each species like 10 of each. The ones I would avoid the most on your list are serpae as they are quite bad for fin nipping, I would perhaps avoid the "odd ball" tetras like splashing tetras due to how they act if they breed. The blue croaking ones not heard of that but if its the same fish of the blue tetras avoid these for same reason as the serpaes.

Also with the plecs 75 liters does not give you a massive choice did you have one in mind? If it were me I would be tempted to consider one of the smaller twig or whiptail catfish maybe like the red lizard whiptail?

im thinking L 168 or maybe 2 longfin albino bristlenose

otherwise could i go with some corys either
Corydoras Julii
corydoras oiapoquensis variante c
corydoras adolfoi
corydoras metae
corydoras schwartzii
corydoras aeneus neon red stripe

i would prefer a plec but if they wont fit i will go with corys

so which out of the tetras would you go for and how many of each
if it's only going to have tetras and a plec i dont see how fin nipping would be an issue. but i think 75 litres is a bit small for some of the more active, and larger, tetras such as serpae.

edit: 8 hyphessobrycon flammeus if u like them (i think theyre the fire tetra u mentioned?)

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