Idea For All You Cheapskates Wanting Cheapo Housing For Bettas


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
Go to your corner shop, if they do those big jars of sweets like 50p for 100g ask when they are finished if you can have the empty jars. They are an ideal size and are quite handy as they are plastic and light.

P.s i dint mean any offence by cheapskates :p

Hope To Help :)
Oh yeah foegot to add, depending on what was in it before make sure you let it soak in HOT water for about and hour then rinse and soak again before use :D
Oh yeah foegot to add, depending on what was in it before make sure you let it soak in HOT water for about and hour then rinse and soak again before use :D

How much water do they hold though? Yes, you are UK. I have never seen decent size ones!
I'd rather buy the jar with some sweets in first, and work my way down so much more pleasurable :hyper:

Now what to buy this weekend, what is your favourite sweet ?
they hold around a gallon to 2 gallons of water and my fave sweets are erm... aquadrops but you cant them in 100grams

Great idea of yours, went round to a local sweet shop and they had some spare jars and will be keeping all other jars for me and they didn't cost me a penny (I did offer but they just wanted shelf space) :p

On a downer they were all empty :-(

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