Idea For A New Section Or Pinned Vital Info

I havent been online for a while, and this will be my last comment about this suggestion. I see no difference in potential liablity if the posts for product reviews are scattered throughout the forum, or gathered in one place. The posts and peoples opinions remain the same either way. the only difference would be that it gives people looking for info on a RO unit, or a Halide fixture, a place to search that doesnt include scrolling the main boards. Plus when people buy the unit they can add on to each units thread with observations and praises, or stuff they didnt like when appropriate.

I am very glad someone else came by and bumped this up, since I felt it was never resolved. I also just wanted to point out that the above is a really great example, since almost everyone uses RO and does not write out Reverse Osmosis, searching for 'RO' is impossible since it is only two letters. A section reviewing RO units all in one place would be quite a service to the community. Just one man's opinion, for what it is worth.

It's a good idea to have something about tanks sizes/volumes etc. BUT the link above is really only useful to those who use imperial measurements i.e. gallons and inches!

I live in a metric part of the world i.e. cm's and litres, inches and gallons mean absolutely nothing to me, and while I generally have my convertor open all the time while I'm reading these forums, so I can convert things into *grins* real measurements, I think if you're going to "pin" something like that it really needs to be in both languages :)

After all this forum is used by people from all over the world and many of them are metric countries.

Just a thought!
that was just a fast link. Im sure that if that part of the suggestion were to be pinned, that there would be a proper measurement system like gallons and inches, and then there would be the odd way of measurement!

It's a good idea to have something about tanks sizes/volumes etc. BUT the link above is really only useful to those who use imperial measurements i.e. gallons and inches!

I live in a metric part of the world i.e. cm's and litres, inches and gallons mean absolutely nothing to me, and while I generally have my convertor open all the time while I'm reading these forums, so I can convert things into *grins* real measurements, I think if you're going to "pin" something like that it really needs to be in both languages :)

After all this forum is used by people from all over the world and many of them are metric countries.

Just a thought!

just remember that:

1 inch is about 2.5 centimeters
12 inches is about 30 centimeters
36 inches is about 1 meter

1 foot is about 30 centimeters
3 feet is about 1 meter

1 US gallon is roughly 3.75 liters (although I generally just round up to "4"; it's faster and bigger is better when it comes to tank sizes)

a 12" cube is about 7.5g
a 10 cm cube is 1 liter
a 30 cm cube is 27 liters

there are 12 inches in a foot
there are 100 centimeters in a meter

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