Id This Snail Please!


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
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Hey guys! I found this weird snail in my 16 gallon fry tank, and he was pretty big... :unsure:

It's shell looks clear when it's inside, like it's been eaten away by my water not being too acidic or something.
It's body is spotted, and the snail is about the size of my pointer finger nail.

It looks like it isn't eating any algae, and a couple fry have gone missing since it came.. but I don't think it's fast enough to get catch fry....

Thanks in advance for any help! :good:
Definitely a ramshorn. And not even a red one by the looks of it :(
They are prolific breeders, but I'm pretty sure you need two to have baby snails. So if you only have the one then it's no problem.
They are algae eaters, so can't blame it for missing fry.
But being small they don't eat vast amounts of algae.
definately ramshorn and they are hermaphrodites so will have young at their owen accord...just make sure the tank is free of rotting matter and detritus and your snails population will remain small...they are nice use full little things as they will eat algae and decaying plants.
hermaphroditic animals can NOT breed with themselves. they simply have both sex organs. they need another sanil and they swap sperm. they can store sperm much like many livebearers so an encounter with another snail even a few months ago could yield baby snails.
snail population is very easy to control. dont over feed the fish and they snails wont have food and developing( small) snails will die larger snails tend to stick around as they babies die off but then will ie also.
the pitting in the shell is caused by not enough buffering capacity of the water and the water draws calcium from the shells.
Thank you. :good:
He is having these little black poops. lol They are everywhere in the container I'm keeping him in. :unsure:
I just don't like snails, and I'm not sure why... :unsure:

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