Oh!... Ok, The listlessness of the male is explained when my wife phoned me at work to announce that there is now an additional male in the tank

.... You know what happenned!...
Argh!!!!.... I'm beginning to lose confidence in my ability to keep anything alive.... The male Molted last night, & today it pegged!!!... The female is still cheerful & full of eggs... What am I doing wrong

nothing. well to my view.

a moulted shrimp, in with a none moulted, unless the tank is very big, spells death for the moultee
Oh!... Ok, The listlessness of the male is explained when my wife phoned me at work to announce that there is now an additional male in the tank

.... You know what happenned!...
Argh!!!!.... I'm beginning to lose confidence in my ability to keep anything alive.... The male Molted last night, & today it pegged!!!... The female is still cheerful & full of eggs... What am I doing wrong

I assume the eggs will be fertilised and she won't need a male when releasing them... also, I'm currently feeding her algea from the ouside ponds... is this fine??... The eggs are still a reddish colour, so I (also) assume that she still has some time to go before she delivers??
Ahh, black widow syndrome!

. as for the eggs, they sound fine. though an anti fungal, may well help then along. andr food? any "speciality" would need a proper ID. but, on the whole, they are "detrivores". so any degenerated fodder is eaten. algae sounds fine. but peas, well, any slightly past its best veg, goes down well. also, small amounts of, fish, chicken (please, never feed them shrimp). i tend to avoid Bloodworm (live or frozen). but dafnia, blackworm, tubeworm and the like are fine.
is the tank cycled?
could there be any copper in the water?
copper, ammonia and nitrite are deadly to shrimps.
definately a macrobrachium.
Thanks, Oh Lord of the Sea.... what, I pray.... do they eat???
either for shrimp, or Cray and carb copper is deadly. but not, usually, gender specific. its a very important point though

whilst i prefer a "cycled" tank. most inverts do fine with 100% water changes every two-three days.