Id New Pleco

Scott MacAdam

Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, Canada
Hey Everyone!

latest trip to the LFS scored me a new mbuna but while i was there I noticed an "assorted pleco" tank (and all for cheap)

There was about 50 common pleco in there so I knew I didn't want one of them but then I spotted a clown over in the corner. I got the employee and asked what he had in there and he said there was some clowns and others in there and they were all being sold at that same price. I told him to get me one (as I'm currently looking for one for my new tank anyway) and he scooped me up one... or so I though (Que dramatic music... dun dun dunnnnnn)

It looked fine in the bag, I assumed the red wasn't showing out because it was stressed and had gone a bit pale as most fish will do.

Here it is, and it's no clown... Black with bright yellow spots, about 2 inches long, currently in my fry tank

Anyone know what it is? did I score a more rare pleco at a great price or is this a plain old pleco (but yellow of course...)

If you need more pics just let me know

Yep a baby gibbiceps so get bigger and more territorial than a common :crazy: ( better looking than commons too) :hyper:
hello everyone,

So I was finally able to snap another shot of the new pleco.



Are we still thinking baby Gibbiceps?

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