Id Needed


Fish Crazy
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
Swansea, UK

Could someone confirm that its a 'common' plec and that i'm gonna have tank size issues please? (125L)

Could someone confirm that its a 'common' plec and that i'm gonna have tank size issues please? (125L)

i would have said a gibbicep pretty much the same as a common and can get in excess of 18 inches yes ur tank will be way 2 small when it's strts 2 grow :) if fed correctly and water conditions are good it couls grow about 1 inch per mnth uptill around 8-10 inches then will slow down but it will grow very quick :)

Can't see the dorsal fin properly. If it's Hypostomus, it'll have ~7 soft rays in the dorsal, while Pterygoplichthys has upwards of 11.

In either case, these are too big for 125 litres, at least when more than about half-grown. Even a 180 litre system would be pushing it, and you'd need 250 litres to be comfortably housing these fish. It isn't so much water quality (at least some of these fish are incredibly hardy) but simply keeping the tank clean. They make huge amounts of solid waste, both faeces and plant detritus such as broken leaves and wood chippings. So you need a big tank with super filtration.

Cheers, Neale
Certainly not a gibby, I would bet it is a Pterygoplichthys though, either pardalis or disjunctivus, probably the former.

What Neale said in terms of tank size.
without a shot of the dorsal fin its a bit hard to say. but i have a feeling its not a gibby. as above on the tanks though.
i stand corrected lol i was just reading the different species of common & Gibicep names that were given and dint relised there were so may diff kinds lol other plecs im fine.... commons and gibby's have just completely confused me now :p anyways going by wot ppl have said for a definite ID get a pic of the plec with his fin up thinks thats they way it will be ID'ed correctly. either way like every 1 said it will out grow that tank eventually :)

Managed to catch him with his fin up... Does this help? I know its a rubbish pic but only when he's upside down can i seem to catch it :(

Thanks :)

Hopefully he gets his act together and starts growing as he's in with the Oscar now
well... growing isn't the word, I think my GF must be giving him steroids or something....

He's been in his new home (320L) with a juvi oscar for the last week or so and I swear he's visibly longer already. I know he's been eating loads as he's crapped everywhere.... Seems to have taken a shining to the large lump of bogwood i put in the tank!

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