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I might be wrong, but that looks like a long fin bristlenose ????
if a bristle nose is meant to have bristles on his nose its not one of them lol he doesnt have any bristles. im sure lfs said something like abersque and im sure the first part of its name started with m
Can't see your pics because our pc's at work filter out photobucket, but just to let you know, female bristle nose plecs don't always have bristles and the ones that do have smaller ones than the male.
oh right, do they tend to be a mottled browny orangy colour too. lfs said they dont grow too big. its bugging me not being able to remember what he said!!
hello kitty said:
if a bristle nose is meant to have bristles on his nose its not one of them lol he doesnt have any bristles. im sure lfs said something like abersque and im sure the first part of its name started with m
Young females do not necessarily have bristles.
I'm pretty sure it's a long finned female bristle nose. If that's correct, they will get up to 6".

It's most certainly not a Queen Arabesque.
bloozoo2 said:
hello kitty said:
if a bristle nose is meant to have bristles on his nose its not one of them lol he doesnt have any bristles. im sure lfs said something like abersque and im sure the first part of its name started with m
Young females do not necessarily have bristles.
I'm pretty sure it's a long finned female bristle nose. If that's correct, they will get up to 6".

It's most certainly not a Queen Arabesque.
i believe it is the other way around (although i could be wrong)....young female BN's start out with bristles and most "lose" them over time
On further investigation I believe the correct common name is "Veiltail bristlenose" and you can see many more pictures here on PlanetCatfish. They are classed with the Scientific Name as "Ancistrus sp.(5)"
Yep and now that I think about it even more, you’ve more than likely confused “Ancistrus” (which is what it is) with “Arabesque” (which is what it's not) :)

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