ID Needed for Oddball


Fish Herder
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
Calgary Canada
I went around to the lfs yesterday and found the following fish in an unmarked tank, it looks interresting but I have no idea what it is. Can anyone put a name to it for me :dunno:

I was thinking maybe a type of cat, but there are no barbels. There were 3 in the tank, all just sitting stationary on the bottom.
It is a catfish of the Auchenipteridae family, commonly known as gulper catfishes or driftwood catfishes. That one is almost certainly one of the Tatia species although a exact identification is difficult, i would be tempted to say Tatia perugiae. All species in the Auchenipteridae group are nocternal and reclusive highly predatory fishes that will consume fishes at least up to 3/4 their own size and some species are able to swallow prey up to double their own size due to their deep cut mouths and elastic skin.
I wondered why I recognized that catfish, then I looked at your location. Yes, wayne @ riverfront told me that what you see is what they do... just sit. Sometimes you see them. :>
I wondered why I recognized that catfish, then I looked at your location

:lol: :lol: ...ya, Wayne was nice enough to let me take a few pics when I was in on Wednesday. Interresting looking cat, but I already have enough fish that I only see once a month.....but the Fahaka puffers that are at Riverfront :drool: ....note to self: train dogs to trash sofa, replace sofa with 6 ft tank.
Pufferpack said:
but the Fahaka puffers that are at Riverfront :drool: ....note to self: train dogs to trash sofa, replace sofa with 6 ft tank.
Bah you don't need that sofa. but you do need that fahaka.

Martha is well worth the loss of our dining table in order to accomodate her tank!

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