Id -Mystery Giant Cory Type Catfish


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
SE London
Here's a photo supplied by previous owner of mystery giant pepper cories with Poirot whiskers. Apologies for poor quality but these cats keep hiding when I bring camera out!

Well done Assaye and plec--mad. They are indeed Syno. Was it the Poirot whiskers that helped you ID them? :lol:
They were in a mixed cichlid tank so I put them in with my cons and jewels. So they are just babies and will double in size -just as well I have the space!Still not bad, pretty fish not aggressive and undemanding about food and water. Doon't suppose these guys will get on with the CAE I got by mistake, will they? I can't find any tankmates for it
CAE could get on with them . . . or might not. They are notorious for being right bullies but you get the odd one that isn't too much trouble.

I IDed from the topline and tail. Can't see the whiskers that well.
i have 3 which i had to move to there own tank. 2 were bullying my other fish ie: corys and plecos.however, the female syno was fine,just the males being bullies. i think they are recommended to be kept in a larger group of 6 or more to stop there bullying antics etc.

mine are quite timid in respects of people. if i go near the tank they are very skittish and dive into the nearest cave or behind a piece of wood.

this is just my experience with them and not every fish is the same. overall very fascinating fish and easy to care for.
Synos settling down. They've taken over the planted and cave area on one side of the tank and evicted the young Malawi! Very friendly fish, came out to say Hello to their new tankmates and swam all over the tank happily exploring their new home. The boldest syno appeared to be eating algae from tank sides. Decided to keep synos in cichlid tank for their own safety as rhey are happy there and not risk putting them in with CAE which is still in solitary confinement until I cam rehome it
How much are syno worth? Mine were sold for £1
Hi fishnovice :)

I'm glad your new fish are to your liking and get along with the others you have. I'll move your thread to the Other Catfish section now. You might get more posts in there than in Corys. :D
the picture is to small to say with 100 percent confidence but im thinking nigrata or eupeterus
Could be eupterus as they look just like the 2nd grey photo in your link, although their dorsal fin doesn't have the characteristic spines of featherfins. At what age/size do the spikes appear on doesal fin? Mine are 4in so although still juveniles they may have outgrown their baby stripes and become spotted all over.

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