Id My Tetra


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
Seen these at work. Can't find a picture online and I'm not allowed to photo the tanks, so I'll describe.

Imagine a neon tetra. Now remove all the blue and olive green and replace with frosty white, leaving the red stripe.

What are these?
None of those, guys.

Definitely not a stressed glowlight. Thinner body shape. We've had them in for weeks and they've been a consistent colour all the time.

The red stripe is very bright, just like on a neon. The rest of the body is uniformly a pale frosty colour with no other stripes or markings.
I think I found them!


Says it's a green fire tetra. Does anyone know if there are quite uncommon?
hehe i was going to say the< Rathbun's Bloodfin<Aphyocharax rathbuni but these usually have a greenish tinge to them....They are a stunning little tetra from south america maxing around 2inch..havent seen them alot round these parts
Might have to grab some, then. Stunning little fish!

Not sure where I'd put them, though. I reckon the krib would probably eat them :lol:

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