Id For New Mysterycatfish


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
SE London
I've just adopted a new catfish along with some other fish. Currently around 3 in and quite chunky. It's black with creamy white spots, very pretty. Looks like a starlight ancistrus but not a BN plec as it has long syno type whiskers. Also head and body is chunky but tail is very thin, not like typical syno or plec tail.Pectoral fins have reinforced front edges with sort of rows of teeth-like spines along front edge (got suck in net).
Any ideas what it is, how big it grows and wha it eats?

Wasn't given any info about its age, species or needs.

Previous owner just cleared off and left fishtank behind in flat along with old unwanted furniture. New occupant isn't really a fish person but she did feed them and try to find them a good home. Couldn't really refuse to take in in. Anyway it's a real beauty but quite shy, hides all the time.
Spotted Rapheal, eats flakes, pellets, small fry, anything it can get at night. Very inactive during day, only grows to 4" and a group may be somewhat active during day. Good catfish IMO.
It does, as stated above, sound like the spotted raphael, Agamyxis pectinifrons. Check the link out and you'll see some picture that will help you confirm either way.
If not, a picture will be needed.
It does, as stated above, sound like the spotted raphael, Agamyxis pectinifrons. Check the link out and you'll see some picture that will help you confirm either way.
If not, a picture will be needed.
Well done everyone for identifying it so quickly. I'm impressed with your knowledge...and relieved he's a relatively small and peaceful undemanding fish.Knew I could rely on fellow forum members for advice.
Yes it's him alright,spotted raphael description fits perfectly - hides in corner in hollow he dug under plant, peaceful with tankmates but probably ate some small neons, identical appearance to photos in link with those toothed edges to his reinforced pec fins. AND he got stuck in a net -well I certainly won't be netting him ever again!
I had a Spotted Raphael. Never saw it. Even at night.
It used to hide behind some wood, and never come out.
I have four together.They do hide alot.A few things that may help you see them more often: Heavy plant cover and/or dimer lighting,get a few more to keep it company,I have also noticed they prefer real wood to hide in or under.I see mine at lights out most nights and maybe once or so per week during the days.Not much,but more often than most it seams.

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