Ickle Baby Monsters Update: 5/18

arn't keyholes great? how long did it take for your keyhole to get that size? i have had mine for like half a year and hes only 2-ish inches
I love 'em! The only problem with mine is that he is still afraid of me! Goes all dark and everything :lol:

I've had him for like 2 years. He was one of the original "cycling" fish in my first tank ever. Those were the days. :rolleyes:
my keyhole will only go black when its dark in the tank, he will go and attack the tetras in the tank, im going to get him a friend or two soon :hyper:
Oh la la. :hey:

The only reason mine is still afraid of me, is because I moved him out of my original tank and put him into one that's on the farthest side of my living room. Not many people go over there, except to oogle them a bit or me feeding them, so they're not the most social fish. :rolleyes:
Little update. They've doubled in size at least and every time I'm near the tank, they go nuts begging for food! The largest ones have the beginnings of a red head. :)



eartheaters eh! i just got one the other day. it was mixed with a pool of assorted fishes and was the only one there. i just had to get it :rolleyes:
Thanks everyone! I should get a video of their hungry wiggle. :lol:

No full tank shots atm... It's just a grow out/transition tank for my fish. Eventually, I am going to change it around, but I don't know what yet. I wanted to go marine, but I don't think that it's going to happen right now... I would also like to have a go with the planted tank again... my first one failed miserably, since I had too many tanks on my plate. We'll see.

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