
Okay, I turned off his light before I went to bed last night, because every time it's on, he sees himself and flares, and I didn't want him flaring all night for fear he would hurt himself. Having the light off, however, made the water temp. drop about 2-3 degrees. It's not cold... It went from 80-81 to 78. However, I wake up this morning, and he has a new white spot right on the top of his head. He's still flaring like crazy... threatening his reflection, and just giving me cute little "good morning" flares. I know this white spot wouldn't be ich, though... it's definitely not "salt-like." So, it's either some other disease/fungus, or he bumped his head on the air pump. I've been thinking of taking that thing out, anyways. The only think I use it for is to stir up the water before a change so I can get the waste that's hiding in the gravel.

hmm... this is weird... there's a couple of white stringy things floating in his tank. They are realy thin, and about 1-2 inches long. One of them has suck itself onto his little pectoral fin. He doesn't seem to notice it, he's still flaring at me. Silly fish. Anyone know what that could be from?
YAY!!! He's building a bubble nest!!!!!!!!!! He hasn't done that for a couple weeks now. :D He's eating like he used to now, too. He's already eaten 4 pellets this morning. I think he's getting better. :D

That leads me to believe it's not a fungus or a disease, becasue if it was, a new spot would mean he's getting worse, not better. So, if that's the case, then what is he hurting himself on? ???? :huh:
Are you sure that plant is silk? Do a test by taking it out, and running some womens nylon along it, ig the nylon catches on it at any point, then it's not safe for your Betta, as his fins and body will catch on it the same way the nylon does. Also, FYI, BettaFIX is HORRIBLE USELESS crap...get BettaMAX. Also keeping a bit of salt (aquarium or rock or kosher salt, not table salt) in his water is a good preventative and treatment for things like ich and fungus. 1-2 tsp per gallon is a good preventative amount. For an actual sickness, quite a bit more can be used (like 1 TBS per gallon).

Mmm.. you mentioned something about white stringy things on him and in the water. Could those be flukes (anchor worms?)?? If they are then he's probably been "sick" from that nasty parasitic worm. Probably some one else with more experience could help you out there. Yeah I also suggest adding a bit of aquarium salt after each 100% WC
if it is parasites try getting an anti parasite med... i dont know one off hand as im at school but i have one at home for internal parasites... i found it worked well
His tank is very nice,flautist :nod: Are those white strings still there? To me they sounded like planaria (harmless) or possibly just something from the the tank stuck on him.

If it's gone,there's nothing to worry about, if they're still there, there may be.
wuvmybetta said:
His tank is very nice,flautist :nod: Are those white strings still there? To me they sounded like planaria (harmless) or possibly just something from the the tank stuck on him.

If it's gone,there's nothing to worry about, if they're still there, there may be.
I didn't see any yesterday or today. :) It seems you were right, wuv, he just needed to get acclimated to his new home and be left alone. He's been getting progressively better ever since that 50% WC I did a couple days ago. He's been eating like a little piggy again, and as I type he's flaring at his reflection. :D His anal fin is almost healed... it's just a small slit now. Even his ventrals are looking a little bit better. His color is darker, he's no longer clamping his fins, and I don't see the white streaks of color on his body. He still has that nasty little white spot on his head, and the two white-ish/gray spots on his back, but they aren't getting any worse.

All of this brings up another question, though... how long is too long for him to be flaring? I would love to leave the light on in his tank all the time, because it keeps his water warm, but when it's on, he sees his reflection and flares at it constantly. I know flaring too long can hurt them... so how long is too long?
Good, my first thought was poo stuck to him :*) There have been times that I'm peering into a baby betta tank and I'm suddenly alarmed because one has something all over him :eek: Then I realize it's just poo :rofl:

It's really a judgement call on your part as far as flaring goes. I don't think it's a bad thing and I believe he would eventually tire of himself or grow bored with it. You can try puttng a dark background so that it takes away some of the reflection.
Thanks, wuv. :) I just worry about him... this may be silly since he's fish and all, but he's my baby. ;) :wub:

*hugs wuv and all who helped* Thank you, you all kept me sane. ;)

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