

Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2004
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I have asked this before in emergencies and someone mentioned spot/pimple disease

i had ich in the tank and treated and it went away EXCEPT on one angelfish who seems to have a few white spots on the fins and has had them for at least 4 weeks (only had tank 4 and a half weeks)

He also seems to have what looks like it could be scars or marks on the fins (i cant post a picture as it is too big- tried to crop it but wont let me post then) but they look almost like translucent bubbles.

i cant find anything about spot/pimple disease on the net or anywhere. could it be this and what is it?

No other symptons apart form rubbing against plants (only did it twice and the plants were new)

I dont know if its just scars or what, but ive found some old photos and i'm sure there werent as many white marks before (also there seems to be 1 quite large marks on one of the side fins and what looks like a sprinkle of dots on the other side fin) there are a few white spots on the other fins. the body is white so i cant tell if there are any on the body but i'm pretty sure there are not.

Is it worth treating for ich again?

cant out salt in cos of scaleless fish and have no isolation tank (could get small bowl/tank i suppose but dont want to stress him by moving him)

sorry for the essay but i am worried if i just leave it one day i will wake up and he will be dead
Ich won't remain on the fish that long. Are the spots rounded, or clumpy looking?
i've had a look i'm still not sure

i'll try and get a picture
i cant post a picture, they come out too big, and it doesnt work when i crop it

does anyone have an email i could send one to? or how else can i post one??

Here are her pictures


  • angel_resized_2.jpg
    94.6 KB · Views: 38
That doesn't look like ich. It kind of looks like parasites. Pretty much fish lice. You can probably go to Wal-Mart and get some parasite tablets. They should have a picture of Oscars on the front, but it works for all parasites. If you buy it, just read the instructions, drop the tablet and it will start fizzing. Then do a 25% water change. You should see it disappear in 1-3 days. If you try it, then a foam gathers on the top of the water, just scoop it out. But you need to take out any snails, crustaceans, frogs, live plants, etc. This should clear up your problem. Let me know how it works out.
right, well i'll try it

can i put the same plants back in after i'm finished?
Could anyone look at these picture and see if you think it is fish lice??

Yes, you can add the same plants. but you have to remember to do the water change. If you don't, then it may kill your plants. I used the tablets, and I only had one reoccurance. I waited a week and then used the tablets. I never seen anymore parasites since then.

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