

Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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i havent had a problem yet with ich... so i'm not 100% sure what it looks like. but one of my neon tetras is covered in little white dots (like...salt?) and last night i noticed that my mickey mouse platy and my silver platy have little white dots on them. but the odd thing is... my black moor doesnt have anything. (i havent looked yet this morning) so...??????? can anyone show me what ich looks like?? or a mild case of it? and if i put treatment in the tank and its not ich, will that harm my fish? i am going to go out and buy some today.
You dont have a small case of it, you have a Larger case of it if its all over you fish. I use a betta product called White Spot treatment (works best on my cichlids) Raise your temp to about 80/28 and follow the directions. Do you have any scaless fish? if so remove them from the tank.
the pic in that url looks just like it. i will get some stuff today for it. thanks
nope, no scaleless fish. i dont want to put anythin "betta" in my tank. my last betta died and had white cloudy stuff all around him. i put in melafix to help my betta and it made my water foamy and harmed one of my platties... so im laying cool with the betta stuff for awhile... i will try somethin diff... thanks though

i will do everything the box says. thakns for ur help
i keep you posted

is this going ot kill my snails?!?? :-(
Snails are scaleless, so are plecos and other catfish, dwarf frogs, etc. If you can get maybe a cheap 1 gallon or 2 gallon aquariun to move your scaleless buddies into while you treat, maybe that would help. :nod:
If you want to rid your tank of ich and do it without all that added stress from the medicine then here is what you do....Raise you temp.slowly to 85 degrees and do small water changes for 10 days or so and also do a gravel to.. The parasite cannot survive in this high of temp. and this method is the best way with having to stress out all your fish with all that medicine.. I read you had tetras so you cant use salt, and where it is scaless most of the ich meds say not to use on scaless fish. I think all of that stuff for ich is to harsh and stressful on those poor fish to start with.I am sure anyone who has been keep fish for a long time will agree with me on this treatment.
Ich simply reproduces faster at higher temperatures. The temp is usually increased so that the parasite can be killed at its free swimming stage. DO NOT INCREASE THE TEMPERATURE WITHOUT ADDING MEDS/SALT.

well i bought quick cure today and have added drops already. this should rid my ick in 2-3 days. it is 2 drops per gallon if you have tetras and i have a total of 6 tetras in my tank, different species. i'm not going to raise my temperature too much because i have a black moor that won't approve of that. i got the quick cure and am going to see how that does.
thanks for your help

i do have a 3 gallon tank that is currently empty with no water, nothing. it has been thorougly cleaned out adn awaiting to put my male or female hamster babies in there so i dont plan on using that for scaless fish. well my snails. if they die, they die.. they are only snails i will get some more. when they die, will i notice? will anything be floating or where will the empty shells go? i dont have a pleco, catfish or frog so thast ok

thanks for your help
I dont know if someone has mentioned this yet or not, so here I go... great apologies if I am wrong or someone has already noticed this..

First off, a black moor is a goldfish, correct? They cannot live in 10 gallon tanks, and they cannot live with tropical fish as a goldfish needs colder water. It seems like your tank is already alittle overstocked anyways, the last thing it needs is a pooping machine like a goldfish. It may seem now that he is okay, but he is probably the source of the problem and things will only get worse.

You need to get him out of there ASAP, to a bigger tank or to the fish store, because Im sorry, but a goldfish is just too much for an overstocked 10 gallon. He is probably already stressed by the warm temperatures, and if you kept it cold, it is the cold temperatures that are stressing out the other fish.

Fish get ich (or any other disease or parasite for that mater) when they are so stressed that their immune system lets its guard off. The water quality probably isnt that good if a goldie is in a 10 gallon, even by itself, unless you do like 25% - 30% water changes everyday. So after you fix the goldfish problem, Id do a very generous water change - but not too much; as that can make things worse. Then choose a nice ich medecine, like Rid Ich or Quick Cure. Add the dosage it prescribes on the bottle, along with the removal of the carbon in the filter, and regular water changes and you will be fine.

You need to find the problem that started the mess before you go and try to fix it, otherwise it will just continue to happen.

I may have been totally wrong.. so correct me if I am..

Anyways, good luck! ;)
Phantom Thief said:
Ich simply reproduces faster at higher temperatures.
ich does not reproduce at higher temps. ich cannot survive at higher temps which is why ich is more prevelant in colder months when tanks tend to run colder. ich is a parasite. if you have ich in the tank you need to treat the whole tank. the grains of salt look that you notice on the fish is the parasite attached to the fish. the parasite burrows under the scales of the host fish where it feeds. it detaches itself to reproduce. while ich is attached to the host fish it cannot be killed. the parasite needs to be free swimming to be destroyed. scaleless fish can get ich but it is more predominant in the scaled fish. if you are going to try to return the goldfish you will need to tell the lfs it was exposed to ich.

stress can help to promote disease and illness in fish. ich is a transferred parasite. could be from adding fish that had been exposed to ich from an lfs, using equipment that was exposed or poor water maintenance.

i think the best advice given was from fishkeeper sharks and angels.

if you decide to use meds, do remove the carbon in your tank as dakota ice said. carbon will remove the meds from the tank. you need to continue using meds 7-10 days after the fish stop showing signs of ich. just cause the fish look better and show no signs does not mean that you have gotten rid of it.
everything is working out okay. my black moor is fine and i know that ick is in my tank but he has nothing on him. he seems to get along fine with my other fish. and i have read bout 10 different webpages about them and the temp of my tank is fine. my water results are fine. i removed the carbon from my filter andstarted using quick cure last night. i think everything will be fine. but thanks :D
Im sorry angel eyes but your goldfish will get way too big for a 10 gallon tank! It doesnt matter that he gets along with your fish, or the temperature is fine according to some unoffical site on the internet. The fish getting too big is the biggest of your problems, besides that he is most likely not very happy.

A goldfish cannot, I repeat cannot, live happily with tropical fish! There is no 'perfect temperature right in the middle for tropical and coldwater'. He needs COLD water, and a MUCH larger tank. If you need proof of this, just tell me.

I am not trying to be mean or anything, but I just want the best for you and your fish. Your going to end up dealing with ich all over again if you dont deal with the goldfish. Goldfish grow fast, and soon you will be stuck with a very stunted, sick goldfish. Then you will spend even more money on medications and tanks when you could have solved the problem a long time ago.

well im just going with my instincts, what i read from various sites, books and the petstore girl. she is trained in this department, went to school and stuff, so i trust her words too.
a good friend of mine has a 10 gallon tank with frogs fish pleco everything you can name that goes together...along with a black moor. she has had her tank up and running for over 2 years now and not a problem has occured with her goldfish being in that tank. i appreciate your advice but this thread was posted here to see what ICK looked like... i got that response and read the site, got the med...started to treat my tank and fish and we'll see from there


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