Ich :(


Mar 25, 2004
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Rochester, NY - USA
Ok, I just had a huge outbreak of ICH (I'm pretty sure, I've never had it before). It seriously happened overnight. My fish were completely fine yesterday. When I got home today I looked at my Buenos Aires Tetras and was confused. Some were kinda stiff. Then I noticed that their fins were very short. Then I realized that some of the tetras were covered in white specks. It didn't look like a light salting, but like the fish were taken out of the water and breaded. They were completely covered!

My pleco, and one of my buenos aires have passed on :(

For treatment I ran to the lfs, bought a 5.5 gallon tank, little heater and a little Whisper. I filled the tank with water from the big tank (part of my water change in the big tank, and so the fish wouldn't be so stressed when I moved them). I then moved all the buenos aires to the new tank (spare one, who I couldn't catch and figured I would just stress him out more if I tried any more. he looks pretty healthy anyway). So the sick fish are in the new tank. I then treated the new tank with "Super Ich Cure," added some Cycle, and completed the water change in the big tank. Then I treated the big tank with some of the ich cure too.

Is there anything else I can do now? Did I do the right thing? This is my first ICH outbreak so I felt I was kinda scrambling :/

Please please please advise!
Thanks in advance :)
Yes they most certianally are something that you can do and the first thing is to change out 40 percent of your water out today, and in two days do another water change that big and try to get rid of all that ich medicine that you have put in your tank. Here is the best way to treat ich and from my experience the only way to treat it. Slowly start to raise your tempature to 85 degrees and do 25 percent water changes every other day for a week or so. This will kill the parasite it cannot live in tempatures this high. And it will not harm your fish trust me the medicine will do your fish more harm than the high temps. will ever do. Ask almost every one here and see if they agree with me on this.
Fish keeper is giving you good advice there about heat although I normally go to just above 86 degrees. All three of my tanks had ICH and all of them were treated with heat alone. My QT tank is currently home for around 30 fry who were covered in ICH..they all survived the high temps! All signs of ICH disapeared within 7 days but to be sure I kept the temps up for two weeks. Result..NO more ICH.

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