Ich/white Spot


Jan 7, 2009
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behind the decks/infront of the speakers
ive noticed a white spot on my keyholes tail my fish did have ich once before a while ago but treated it and it went and luckly didnt loose and fish

the problem is ive got 2 musk turtles in the tank too if my keyhole did get ich again how would this affect my turtles?

i may just be paranoid but ...

30g tank
1 keyhole
1german ram
1bulldog plec
2x baby musk turtles

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nirate 10

im doing waterchanges on a monday and friday about 40%
I asked my vet about fish diesease as I have a map with fish. He adviced if I had any problems with the fish to remove the turtle to another tank and treat the fish, some fish meds are harmful to turtles (I dont know which). Up the water changes for the turts and keep them seperate while you are treating the fish. Once the fish are all ok make sure all meds are removed from the tank then you should be able to put the turts back.
Hope this helps
I asked my vet about fish diesease as I have a map with fish. He adviced if I had any problems with the fish to remove the turtle to another tank and treat the fish, some fish meds are harmful to turtles (I dont know which). Up the water changes for the turts and keep them seperate while you are treating the fish. Once the fish are all ok make sure all meds are removed from the tank then you should be able to put the turts back.
Hope this helps

CHEERS i found some info on a turtle forum someone had the same problem and said it shouldnt affect the turtle if its basking (mine dont)

but it says slowly up the temp and add aquarium salt

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