Ich treatment didn’t work

They relly look like white cysts to me upon enlarge ing the photo.
Bingo. Pretty sure lymphocystis is it. Glad to hear that it is self limited and won’t kill the fish. Will keep him separate from the rest of the fish and hopefully he’ll recover fully. Anyone have experience with fish with this virus.
Lymphocystis looks like bits of cauliflower on the fish, bumpy raised white or sometimes pink lumps. Your fish has what look like small smooth white spots. You can see the fish - do the spots look like cauliflower?

When you researched it, did you use reputable sources or sites where people just said it was lymphocystis without knowing what lymphocystis actually is or looks like?
Lymphocystis looks like bits of cauliflower on the fish, bumpy raised white or sometimes pink lumps. Your fish has what look like small smooth white spots. You can see the fish - do the spots look like cauliflower?

When you researched it, did you use reputable sources or sites where people just said it was lymphocystis without knowing what lymphocystis actually is or looks like?
I used the source above in the thread.
The spots are not smooth. They are raised and white like little cysts or eggs like structures. One has gone from a single cyst to a double cyst which could be the beginning of a cauliflower like structure. Looking at the micrographs, it is just enlarged ballooning fibroblasts on the scale that form the cyst. Interesting. Hadn’t spread much at all in the 2-3 weeks I have watched this. Started with 4 cysts and only 1 of them has changed. Fish behavior is totally normal and happy.
Lymphocystis looks like bits of cauliflower on the fish, bumpy raised white or sometimes pink lumps. Your fish has what look like small smooth white spots. You can see the fish - do the spots look like cauliflower?

When you researched it, did you use reputable sources or sites where people just said it was lymphocystis without knowing what lymphocystis actually is or looks like?
From the article above:

"In its early phase, the white formations of the Lymphocystis virus tend to cover the fins of the fish and until developed will appear small and round. For this reason, in its initial stages, the nodules of Lymphocystis are often mistaken for ich but the two do not have anything in common."

I'm no fish disease expert by any means, however...
Ich will fall off, cysts lie in the substrate until they hatch, become free swimming and then latch on again and become visible as cysts. I believe it takes about 7-10 days at 25c. So if there is no real change after two weeks then I would say it’s not ich. Increasing heat speeds up the life cycle of ich.
@CarissaT is right about the spots. If they haven't disappeared after a few days (let alone 2-3 weeks) it isn't white spot. Lymphocystis would also have changed size and shape after 2 weeks.

White spot cysts remain attached to fish for 2-3 days at 24C before they drop off and sink to the bottom. The entire lifecycle takes less than a week at 24C and if the problem has been the same for 2 weeks, it isn't white spot.

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