Ich Qs

1st female has 3 fresh grains and 2nd female still has grain where first one was.
Thanks for the article, off to have a read...
1st female actually seems ill today. Her gills are mottled, though I can't see any grains on them, she still has several grains on her body. She's listless and lost some appetite though :(
I'm doing daily water changes, replacing salt removed and still got temp at 30c.
Is this normal, for her to get worse before she gets better (or not), is the salt working, is it just a matter of time?
Is there anything else I could be trying?
Thanks :)
Try to increase the oxygen in the water. This can be done adding an airstone, or lowering the water level if you have an HOB filter. The water falling back into the tank from a greater height causes more splash and adds more oxygen.
You could try soaking the food in some garlic juice before feeding. This can help stimulate appetite as well as boost the immune-system.
I hope this will help. :(
Thanks, I've got the water level lowered so the spray bar is churning water up against the back wall.
I've got temp at 30C, oxygenation increased, salt at 2tsp per gallon and daily water changes. I think the first female has a secondary infection? Pics below, the lesions are quite raised off her body. She's eaten ok and chased the little bit of leaf you can see in one pic, but clamping her fins some.


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I believe she is stating that this is a secondary condition, in addition to the ich.  
ellena said:
Thanks, I've got the water level lowered so the spray bar is churning water up against the back wall.
I've got temp at 30C, oxygenation increased, salt at 2tsp per gallon and daily water changes. I think the first female has a secondary infection? Pics below, the lesions are quite raised off her body. She's eaten ok and chased the little bit of leaf you can see in one pic, but clamping her fins some.
Sorry, I don't know what the secondary infection is.  
Well, she's a goner this morning :( I was going to bring the myxazin home and give her baths in that. Am I still doing right? Rest of fish look ok part from one grain/spot/wound on other female in same place as first one started.
I think perhaps the return of the spots wasn't white spot, but the secondary infection. I gave the other female a half hour bath in myxazin tonight and the white spot has gone, leaving just a discoloured patch.
For the moment, I'm saying all signs of white spot are gone and I'm giving it a month of continuing treatment to make sure, this has been a real trial and I really don't want it again!
Is a month ok for the fish so long as they seem to be coping ok with the heat and salt?
Salt can be very hard on the fish's kidneys. If you see any sign of ich could you post a picture for us? I don't know what this secondary infection is, and the heat/salt treatment might not be the right treatment for it.

eaglesaquarium said:
I believe she is stating that this is a secondary condition, in addition to the ich.  

Oh, now I understand it, thanks eagles, I thought she meant the first female got infected with it for the second time. :)
Pics above are of secondary infection on first female before she died. The second female has one small spot of this.
After chatting in the chat room last night, I don't know if I've completely misdiagnosed :") There was flicking before spots appeared and they looked exactly like salt grains, angular and just that size. But, looking at pictures of ich, they don't have anything on the fishes body under the spots, which these did. And there were nothing like as many as ich images show, maybe 6 on each side. Well you can see them in the pics, one white spot for each lesion remaining.
I've given the remaining female a half hour bath in myxazin (malachite green) yesterday and today and her one spot looks ok.
Suggestion from chat was to reduce the salt too, so today and for 2 further 10l bucket changes, I'm not adding any salt, that should drop it to about 1tsp per gallon. Temp is still up at 30c. Gouramis are behaving normally. Rasboras have taken to hanging in one area of the tank and were incredibly skittish today when I did water change, almost jumping out of the water to get away from my hand.
The rasboras are likely responding that way to the stress of the salt and heat, as well as your increased 'fussing' with the tank.
If the ich is no longer visible and has been for between 4-7 days, you could lower the temp (slowly) and decrease the salinity back to *zero.  It will actually take quite a long time to fully reduce it to zero.
1 tsp/gallon after your most recent water change.
I'd suggest water changes to be slowly increased to very large values to fully remove the salt.
Next one at 25%, to lower to 0.75 tsp/gallon.
Next one at approximately 40%, to lower to 0.45 tsp/gallon.
Next one at approximately 75%, to lower to 0.11tsp/gallon.
From this point out, you could either do a larger one ~90% to lower it to about 0.01 tsp/gallon, or just continue with your regular regimen, as the salinity will be so low as to not make a big deal.  
Incidentally, I do large water changes like this fairly regularly to keep my tank water as close to the tap levels as possible.  Although, my biggest water changes happen more during the summer, when the old tank water is more useful to the garden.
I wonder if what you saw initially as ich spots, were the cottony growths of a body fungus? When these cottony growths fell off they could have left these scar marks that you see in the picture. Ich spots are very tiny, those "scar marks" left behind from your fish's spots are much larger.
That's the conclusion I'm coming to :( Do other infections have the flicking too?
Yes.  Flicking is just an indication that something is irritating them, and isn't a sign of any particular malady.  

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