Ich Outbreak?

It's up to you.
But I would rather keep a close eye on 1 tank, than 2.

As for the pics it hard to tell.
Thanks for trying. It's not easy trying to take pics of whitespot.
I'll keep watching them over in the 10 gal. It's now a bit over 80 (Probably 81). So I hope this cycle starts to move faster so I can medicate them. As for that, I will add the FULL dose to the 50 gal just to be safe then sorry. It's fine to put ich med in a tank that might not have it, right?

And, they're such fast swimmers and sudden movement makes them jump around!

Thanks for all your help Wilder :drool:
Once a fish does have whitespot you medicate all the fish in the same tank.

If any more problems get back to the board.

Good Luck.
Quick Question, thanks for the help!

If I put in medication while the fish are in stage one, will I have to add more when they reach stage two? or just leave it at whats in the tank?

Because all my fish are at different stages. :unsure:
Always follow med instructions.
Only redose on the days it tell you to do in the instructions.
Alright. It says days 1,3,5. So I will do the next batch for both tanks on Tuesday, and on Thursday. :)

Thanks for everything, Wilder!
That's fine.

Good Luck.
Thank You.

Went back down to check things out, and anyways it's AWFUL. They're both much, much worse. I have to wait until tomorrow to medicate them.
Is it suppose to be so bad after a day? (In the years of Betta, ADF, Turtle and etc keeping I have NEVER come across this!).

I think the clown loach brought the Ich into the tank. They're both just- they look like they've been rolled in salt!! :sad:

The other tank, is progressing much, much slower. The Loach ISNT as bad as the sharks. The barbs are showing no sign of ich, although they probably have it too. :grr: \

The Loach looks to be fine (other then the 5-7 dots on him). Can't tell if he has ich, or if he has this normal white spot pattern. Are there any other disease out there that cause white spots?

I should add when I added the Loach, he got stuck in the bag. I squeezed him (by mistake and pretty gently). He still didn't come out, so I put the whole bag (obviously with no water), into the tank.

He swam normal and off into his cave he went.. :nod:
I guess it's odd. I really, really want the sharks to pull through. If they don't, I can't say I would be horrified. I guess I can expect it coming. :no:
One of them just died, I believe. He swam up cause he was hungry, and never came back down :(
Have you raised temp, and removed black carbon from filter.

Sorry about your fish. :rip:
Yeah it's at 82 I believe. The other one is gone nuts. And I don't think our filter comes with a carbon backing.

Thanks. :( I guess I can add new fish :(
Make sure the filter has no coarse black sponges inside.
Black carbon only active for 2 to 6 days.
If it was a new sponge it will take the med out of the tank.
I wouldn't advise adding new fish while you are still treating for whitespot.

I would wait for at least 6 weeks to thing settle back down.,

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