So glad you confirmed what I wanted to do CoryL95!
Over the last three days I've moved the two big filters over and all is good!
I've tested the water today and zero on all counts, so I decided match the water temps by sticking the heating on and matching the 300l tank with the 125l.
Stuck (Shampan) Oranda Red Hat in a plastic bag for over an hour and slowly added the new water in the bag. He took it quite well gave him some food for the trouble and he swims so fast in that tank darts for food. One thing I'm gald I didn't do is add substrate as I can hoover his poos alot easier without fear of rotting food and poo causing high Ammonia spikes.
My telescope is hiding near the Ehiem intake pipe, head down tail up she only comes out for food, but she has always been blind I think since she was a tiddler, as she never sees food, but smells it and hoovering the floor just by watching her over the years. Really hope she gets better soon did a 35% water change just incase tonight just in case I missed something, as all tests have been zero.