Ich or not


New Member
Apr 22, 2021
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Hello all, so I'm fairly new to the hobby but have put a lot of effort into learning as much as I could. I have 6 gal nano tank where I've had seven cardinal tetras and 2 otocinclus for about 3 months now. I realized this tank was to small so I bought a 20 gal. I cycled the 20 gal for 2 weeks using dirty sponge filter and beneficial bacteria (api stresszyme) to jump start nitrogen cycle. This past Sunday I purchased some more tetras (red phantom & pristella) and several corydoras. the red phantoms have been dying daily daily. I am down to 2 now. I've noticed very few white spots on them so immediately I began ich treatment with daily water changed as well as salt and heat. All my other fish seem okay. other than being stressed from the heat and salt. Ive seen videos and articles where ich need to be fairly advanced to kill and I've not seen any of my other fish with spots nor have any of them died. I also read that the white spots are supposed to multiply rapidly of which I've also not noticed. Before my fish die they begin erratic swimming and seem like they can't really control themselves and get swept by the water flow. Sometimes swimming upside down and on their side. They also hide and stay alone. Im now doubting it is ich and would like to know if anyone else has experienced something like this. Thanks in advance


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Hi! I am sorry about your tetras. I am not sure if it is ich, but for treatment it is best to choose one course of action. Either treatment, salt, OR heat. I thought the same thing, that it had to be more advance to kill the fish, but my betta died with only a few spots in his forehead
Ich is usually a slow killer, I would treat it slowly. My go-to is just aquarium salt and water changes, especially if the diagnosis is iffy... it treats almost everything. If you could get a video of the odd swimming patterns, that would be great.
Sorry can't seem to figure out how to upload a video, seems like one of my corys is doing similar now. Unfortunately I don't believe he will make it through the night.
Sorry can't seem to figure out how to upload a video, seems like one of my corys is doing similar now. Unfortunately I don't believe he will make it through the night.
1. get a youtube account
2. get youtube studio
3. make video
4. post link/ do it wiht the media option
Alright guys sorry for taking so long to reply but been busy and down 2 more fish. Whatever this is has now transferred to my cory cats ☹.I lost one yesterday and believe another may be acting up. I've had the heat up between 84-86. I stopped the salt and started half dosing. Here's a video of the court cast as well

Thank you. It really is difficult because I am dumbfounded. I don't know what is causing this. I started with 18 fish and 3 shrimp and am down to 9. I actually had today as my first day where no fish die. I doubt this is ich that is killing my fish but nobody seems to be able to help. I really was so excited having the tank fully cycled and now I just don't know I want to go through this again. LFS was no help at all
The fish in the videos suggest it may be something other than ich, though ich can still be present as well. I am not going to guess, it is too risky, but members like @Colin_T , @Essjay , and others I can't think of at the moment will have more.
Thanks everyone. I'm happy to say I'm going on day 5 of no fish dying. I stopped medicating for ich and it seems the fish are happier. I did turn the temp way up 84-86 salt and meds which may have been too much for the healthy fish. Im just monitoring now. Im tempted to go buy more red phantom tetras because the lone survivor seems lonely. Bad idea?
Thanks everyone. I'm happy to say I'm going on day 5 of no fish dying. I stopped medicating for ich and it seems the fish are happier. I did turn the temp way up 84-86 salt and meds which may have been too much for the healthy fish. Im just monitoring now. Im tempted to go buy more red phantom tetras because the lone survivor seems lonely. Bad idea?

Acquiring a group of the Red Phantoms is certainly advisable, but given the history...I would have a look in the store tank and see the state of the fish still there, if any (may all have died from whatever this was). If it is a reliable store, you might discuss the issue with the owner; they may give credit, or replace the fish (if theirs are OK now). I have a few times left fish I wanted in the store for a week or two, when I thought they looked a bit questionable, as I would rather have them die in the store tank than in my tank and spread whatever to my other fish--even in quarantine, which I now do, I'd rather they died in the store than infect my QT.

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