Fish Fanatic
hey. my tank is 29 gal fully cycled details n sig. this week i have lost 2 fish..... my levels n amonia n nitrite r fine. 2day i just come home n dont c my rams, 1 is just barely moving n then 2 top it off my male pearl gourami has lost all colour. i immediately did a 50% water change n now they seem more active. i did go and c my LFS 2 days ago and they gave me the "clueless" look n told me 2 feed them less, which i did but that really didnt do anything. i hear a bit about this ICH n im lookin at my fish n lookin hard 2 c the spots n then i think i c sumthin n then i dont, im probably just paranoid. can a tank b over decorated? i have seen sum pics of people tanks n mine seem alot more decorated i guess, if u want 2 c a pic just let me know, i have no clue how 2 post a pic. my main concern is my fish. for newbie's sake SUM1 HELP MEEEEE