Ich Killed My Whole Tank!

It does makes sense !!

That was meand for eagles. Nice site !!! But still : If it was / is ich !!
wow thanks a bunch guys really opened my eyes quite a bit so I will go out and get a sponge to start from scratch then cycle it for a week with plants and fish In. what do you suggest I should stock the tank with its about a 30 gal
I'd suggest a fishless cycle rather than fish-in.
A 25 or 30 gal?  Dimensions???
Lots of options really... What are the water parameters from your tap?  pH (after sitting 24 hours), kH, gH, ammonia and nitrate?
That will help in making suggestions that work best for your tank...
A proper fishless cycle that takes several weeks is your best options to avoid this kind of problem happening again.  That also gives you plenty of time to research types of fish and make the best choices for your tank and the care level you can handle.  Please learn from your mistake and do the best for the next batch of fish you get.
one of my friends has bread guppies I cleaned the entire tank today and tomorrow he is going to bring me 4 guppies to go in the tank to cycle it there are already plants in the tank and 2 apple snails
While he's giving you the guppies ask for a pinch or two of his filter media... Any amount will help to speed the process along greatly.
Ich does not survive without fish hosts. All you needed to do is leave the tank empty for 2-3 weeks, dose ammonia in the mean time to boost the filter bacteria, then stock the tank. You didn't have to change the media....
Now you'll be cycling the tank for 4-8 weeks, daily large water changes if you've got the guppies and want them to live and possibly ich too because it will be left on the filter/substrate and it will move onto the guppies. 
Your initial stocking was not good.

Well.... I hope you at least follow the advice on how to do a fish in cycle properly... else you are looking at troubles all over again.  Guppies are not hardy fish for fish in cycling... the most likely outcome, if they survive, is that they will be internally damaged from the ammonia if you aren't doing those daily large water changes for weeks as mentioned in the post above.
will do I have been reading a lot about a fish in cycle and going to doing it totally by the book

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