Hay all this is quite a sad story so prepare. Yourselves I have a 97 L / 25 gal which I just started restocking over 2 weeks I had 2 mono angels 15 neon tetras and 2 very small pangasios sharks and 1 raphal catfish
I planted the tank and within a week I woke up one day to find all my fish to have white spot within 2-4 days DURING HEAT SALT AND ICH MEDICATION!!!! They all passed now I am sitting with 1 pangasios shark who survived the ordeal but a day later has caught a very bad fungal infection and I don't think he will see tom
my question is if he goes there will be no fish left in the tank how can I totally get rid of all the disease in the tank should I empty all the water and dry the tank out coz no treatment other medication has worked and the scary thing is I caught the ich early tank
what should I do I want to restock but not if they all going to die again