OK-My tank is sparkling clean-SPOTLESS. ALL water levels are perfect. There are no Bullies. I keep all new fish in a holding tank for a month prior to their release into their new big home. SO..................my clown loaches, new ones have ICH. They got it a week after being put into the new tank. So my question is ...........REGARDING MEDS and WATER CHANGES. I have used Copper safe with no luck............The Jungle knocks the spots off in two days...so should I use that but use for 14 days even tho it says to stop once the spots are off? Also....is there any med for ich that you can add daily and NOT do water changes? Is it really a necessity to do this daily?{WATER CHANGE}
I know you keep saying don't treat, but I have kept the temp up.
I do quarantine fish.
I have excellent water quality.
My tank is very clean....even the gravel.
I have no BULLIES.
I am very anal so I take care of them as well as I did my kids!!!
I know you keep saying don't treat, but I have kept the temp up.
I do quarantine fish.
I have excellent water quality.
My tank is very clean....even the gravel.
I have no BULLIES.
I am very anal so I take care of them as well as I did my kids!!!