ICH HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!&#


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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I've just encountered ICH for the first time so I'm a little frantic of what to do. I have a 25 Gallon (U.S.) it's planted with a lot of fish in it. I have tetras and other types in there...I bought a medication called "Quick Care" which tells me to put 1 drop per 1 gallon in but if i have tetras then 1 drop per 2 gallons...well I was also told that if I put in too little medication, it won't work and if I put too much in it will harm my tetras! Now, what do I do? My sharks are infected...and some of my tetras...I can't put in 1 drop per 1 gallon because of my tetras therefore I'm not putting in enough for my sharks!!!! What do I do?? I've raised the temperature to 26 degress celcius (80 F???) I think!? Going to try raise it to 28! Will raising the temperature help in anyway or just cause more damage? Again, I read or heard all this from somebody....HELP would be most appreciated!!!!
My suggestions to someone else recently:

I would try putting the temp up to 86F for three days. Ich and many other parasites cannot survive at this temp but fish can. This has always worked for me without the need for potions and snake oils. Quick Cure works great but does have an effect on your filter, and stresses the fish. I would recommend half stated dose for these fish. Gently raising the temp to 86F has worked for me on neons, cardinals, diamond flame tetras, angels, apistogramma and gouramis.
One thing to remember is to increse aeration, with an airstone or pointing your filter outlet to the water surface.

good Luck!

I agree about raising the temperature, but I suspect (from the way you write) that you may be over-stocked, which means oxygen's in short supply. In which case, 86F might be too high. Try 82-84F as that will speed up the lifecycle of the ich parasite and get it to drop off the fish (where it can be killed by the medication) more quickly.

You should continue to use a half dose since you have tetras, but continue it for 14 days to make sure every last ich parasite has been killed and it isn't lurking in your gravel.

I disagree with Ken about not using any medications - I think its too much of a risk, particularly with an over-stocked tank and there is no proof that such high temperatures will actually kill the ich, and a lot of proof it reduces the oxygen soluability of water (which cannot be changed by adding air-stones or whatever).

Ich is usually the result of poor water quality and or stress so you need to get to the bottom of what caused it. I'm assuming your tank is properly cycled? Check your ammonia and nitrite levels anyway.
Anna, surely adding medication will have the same if not worse effect of reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of water? Plus the risk of harming filter bacteria and chances of mis-diagnosis, incorrect use and indiscriminate use of meds are all a little too much stress on fish?
Its proven on a website I visited about fish farming that the Ich parasite cannot survive temps over 29C in any of its life stages, plus the temp boosts the immune system and appetite of most all fish.

I think its worth trying the high temp before dumping the meds in, plus eliminating causes such as water quality, gravel dirt and bullying are a better alternative.

this could turn into one of those long pub arguments that are greatly aided by alcohol, but, if it works for you to hell with the arguments!!

Also, when is the last time anyone here saw a Discus with Ich?
I think it no coincidence, even leaving aside the better care they get, Ive seen them in shops in atrocious conditions but have yet to see one with Ich.
I think the temp is the key...
Ken_g_w said:
Also, when is the last time anyone here saw a Discus with Ich?
I think it no coincidence, even leaving aside the better care they get, Ive seen them in shops in atrocious conditions but have yet to see one with Ich.
I think the temp is the key...
Ken, I do entirely see your point but I'm not arguing with it as I don't feel I have sufficient information. I do know what works, however.

FWIW, my tank is consistently between 84-86F (hot part of the house) and I have an ich outbreak at present, so high temperature alone doesn't seem to be sufficient. Maybe I should double-check my thermometer or maybe your theory doesn't work for all kinds of ich or all kinds of fish?

The oxygen point is well made. However, I've never noticed any effect on my water parameters from ich medication (I generally use Protazin or King British WS3).

I also think that since CopZ has started with medication it might be unwise to stop using it at this point. A combination of methods (high temperature and small amount of meds) might be a reasonable compromise, but I'll leave it up to him to decide.
Well thank you both for your input, it was most useful. I have an airstone in at the moment just in case my oxygen levels are low...I am still medicating...it says after three days to do a water change...should I do that? My one shark is really bad!! The others aren't too bad...just 2 or 3 white spots on them! My one shark has A TON of spots on him! I have a question though...not all my fish are sick and I haven't fed them for 2 days...should I feed them? They're all in the same tank obviously. It might be a couple of days before I feed them though...it's going to take a while for my shark to get better! what should I do??
Well thank you both for your input, it was most useful. I have an airstone in at the moment just in case my oxygen levels are low...I am still medicating...it says after three days to do a water change...should I do that? My one shark is really bad!! The others aren't too bad...just 2 or 3 white spots on them! My one shark has A TON of spots on him! I have a question though...not all my fish are sick and I haven't fed them for 2 days...should I feed them? They're all in the same tank obviously. It might be a couple of days before I feed them though...it's going to take a while for my shark to get better! what should I do??
So, if you treat the tank for 14 days with the meds and keep the temp at 82 does this mean ALL the ICH in the gravel will die too and there will be less outbreaks? I had a clown loach with ICH a few weeks ago and he got better in a week or so with Jungle ICH CLEAR. It says to use daily and to do 25% water changes until the spots are gone and then discontinue. I waited a week and then put 2 new loaches in the tank, now one has ICH{a new guy}
So I am very confused.
I know to keep the temp up.
I know there are zillions of meds.
I know to do water changes.

BUT WHAT IS THE BEST AND FASTEST AND SAFEST way to get rid of this stuff? I plan on getting a UV sterilizer and a canister filter next year.

I live in the USA and have never seen any of the meds I have read about on this forum.

I have used Copper safe with no luck............The Jungle knocks the spots off in two days...so should I use that but use for 14 days even tho it says to stop once the spots are off? Also....is there any med for ich that you can add daily and NOT do water changes? Is it really a necessity to do this daily?{WATER CHANGE}

Thanks for helping me...

Confused Deb
You can never remove Ich from your tank. You can kill the present population but Ich apparently can be airborne like spores, I dont know how true this is but it will allways come back.
The point is tho, it will only attack a fish if its immune system is weaken by stress, disease, injury etc. Water quality is also a decideing factor. So theres no point in seeing ich on your fish, medicating, see it agaqin, medicating and so on, you need to tackle the root CAUSE, ie dirty gravel, overfeeding, bullying, cold spots in the tank or you will continue to have outbreeak after outbreak.

Hi Anna,
I hope I didnt come across as a smart ass! Thats not my intention. Its just that Ive had a lot of bad expierience with Ich, more than most I'd say! I used to keep fancy goldfish but for a while it was like I was keeping whitespot and feeding them fish!

For what its worth, Ive tried almost every medication I could buy and am ashamed to say most of the bottles were nearly empty when I had to move them while moving house a few weeks ago. It used to amaze me when I 'went tropical' that I could go into my local fish dealer and see a tank full of clown loaches that looked like one of those snow shaker things, with a sign on it saying 'not for sale until tuesday' or whatever, and come back to see the tank still full of healthy fish a few days later. The guy selling them obviously has a great interest in keeping them alive and when I got to know him he told me heat is all he uses to clear whitespot.
When I started keeping tetras they constantly got Ich and I treated them in a 6g betta bowl which I turned up to 85F. The betta never got whitespot and the fish always made it back!!

Heres an incomplete list of what I had kept under lock and key for the last year:

Tetra ContraIck
Interpet anti-internal bacteria
Interpet anti slime & velvet
Fin Clear
Anti White Spot
Interpet anti white spot plus

Of all these I would only use WS3 and melafix again and were the last treatment I gave when I had an outbreak of flukes and septeciemia at the same time about 8 or 9 months ago. Believe me it was nasty! I used a mix of 1/4 dose of both (I know) every day with 10% water changes and had my fisrt success with fish I had thought over the brink.

Of course the meds work but as far as white spot is concerned I think its a case of carpet bombing the lawn instead of getting out the lawnmower!

Wow Ken, you certainly had a bad time with ich!

FWIW, I've only had a problem with ich due to tank stress, new fish (not properly quarantined) or a broken heater, causing the tank temperature to plummet. Cold water definitely seems to be a contributory factor, which is presumably why it can be such a nightmare with goldfish.

Good news with my outbreak is that it was very minor (one spot on one new fish) and and now it seems to be clearing up. I intend to do a couple more half-dose treatments and keep the temperature up for another week and then I'll bring it down (because it makes my fish eat too much and the nitrate level rises).
Can someone please answer my question..................Anna Please!!!
What is YOUR advice?
Ken_g_w said:
You can never remove Ich from your tank. You can kill the present population but Ich apparently can be airborne like spores, I dont know how true this is but it will allways come back.
The point is tho, it will only attack a fish if its immune system is weaken by stress, disease, injury etc. Water quality is also a decideing factor. So theres no point in seeing ich on your fish, medicating, see it agaqin, medicating and so on, you need to tackle the root CAUSE, ie dirty gravel, overfeeding, bullying, cold spots in the tank or you will continue to have outbreeak after outbreak.


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