Ich Dissease Really Need Help!

All this problems probably have to do with bad waterconditions. Get some tests to check ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. A week is too short to cycle a tank. We still aren't sure it's ich. Please place some pics, some can be sure. Probably tounare treating for the wrong illness.
A tank cannot be cycled within a week.... which means that your filter is not handling the ammonia the fish are producing... thus it is building up and poisoning your fish as well as weakening them to be susceptible to illnesses... explaining the multiple symptoms on top of ich. 
I am only guessing but it sounds like within a few weeks (2-3) your fish have come down with ich and you have been trying to treat for 10 days... so your tank is about 3-4 weeks old?  Is that correct?  You've also had a huge number of fish added to the tank during this time which has created a huge amount of ammonia that will have stayed there unless you have been doing DAILY HUGE water changes...

For the fish's immediate health I'd recommend you start daily water changes until you can get a test kit and see where you stand for everything else.
Please visit the beginners section to read up on cycling and fish-in cycling... but do return here to continue to read the advice from the other members to guide you through this hard situation.

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