Ich And Pop-eye


Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2008
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some of my fish have started to flick against the wood in my tank and my silver molly looks like shes got pop-eye, i've got stuff to treat both, however which should i treat first ich or pop-eye as ive no hospital tank.
thanks for helping
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Whitespot looks like the fish has been sprinkled in salt.
I would treat the whitespot first. As it can be a fast killer once it affects the gills.
Raise temp to 30 and increase aeration in the tank.
Make sure you can use the full dose with the fish you keep.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
the tanks 190 litres, its a community tank with mainly molly's, however i've also got a couple off clown loach, which means i have to half the dose, i've been looking and can't actually see any whitr spots but the fish are flicking.
I've no water stats but i do a 50% water change every other week.

Cheers for the help
Fish can flick in bad water quality.
I would hold off medicating for now.
Take a sample of your water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.
Invest in some liquid test kits of your own.
How big are the clown loaches as they need 90 gallon tanks, and shouldn't be kept in less than a group of 3.
hi, i now know about clown loaches from this forum theres only 2, 1 is 2-3inches the other is about 1.5-2inches i got them when i first got the tank and was told they'll be fine in a community tank
Have you gotten your tank water tested.
How are the fish today?
hi the water stats were ok my neighbour checked them, the only fish i've seen flicking is the larger loach the rest seem fine so do u think its worth treating still.
Can you say what the stats were.
How often are they flicking, alot or just now and then.
Clown loaches don't tolerate salt to well.
it flicked a couple of times this morning but hasn't flicked since.
Leave it another day to see if anything shows up.
Look for grains of salt on the fish.
ok cheers for your help, haven't got any salt so i couldn't add it anyway.
I wouldn't add salt with clown loaches anyway.

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