I would like some tank opinions.....

No one will berate you, we just wanted to make sure you looked at all the angles before making a large investment. And it sounds like you have.
Good luck with everything and Keep us posted !!!! :D
Well, it was very definitely not an easy decision. What's worse is in about 6 months I am going to have to tear it down to finish the stand we are starting work on tomorrow. :/

I have all the wood, etc... to build the stand frame, top, bottom, and shelves but not to cover it. And by the time I'm done with the tank setup, etc... I will be broke.

I wanted to do the 90 Gallon, but I want this tank heavily planted and I was told by multiple people that the hieght of a 90 Gallon makes lighting difficult.

I wanted the longer tank from the beginning so that was part of the deciding factor.

I'm going to start it with 2x Penguin 330 Filters, 8x 40W Lights (the center will be highly lighted due to crossover of the bulbs), playsand substrate w/ Seachem Flourish Tabs.

I will also be purchasing 1 (possibly 2 since my LFS might kick in the second) driftwood pieces for it and 5 clown loaches. :)

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