I would like a parrot fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Peterlee County Durham
Iv spotted some parrot fish in my LFS and would like to get one.
This question must have been asked a thousand times
I know that they can be aggresive are there any type of fish they can be kept with?or are they best by themselves?
I dont think they have been dyed.Iv looked at a few pictures that have been posted on here and they look a similar colours a lovely orange colour.
Any information anyone came give me would be most welcome.
Thank you
Vicky wilson
You can keep parrots with african cichlids, or bigger new world cichlids. Ive had parrots with africans, jack dempseys, green terrors and my arowanna.
I have 2 bovoian rams would they be ok?
The rest of my fish are guppies and mollies i also have a rather gorgeous betta.
But i would sort the other out but really like my Rams they are gorgeous
I don't think rams are a good idea...
What you can keep with them is dependent on the tank size, and no response can really be accurate without this info - the answer can range from nothing to a very wide range of ideas.
Im new to this and just want to get as much info as possible
My tanks 2ft long 1/12 high and about 12inch wide
I know its not a hugh tank but was hoping I could keep at least one
Thanks alot for any help
You can keep one for a while, but long term I'm afraid it's too small. These guys (should) have the potential to reach half the length of your tank and just as wide, and they're fat, hefty fish!

In reality you'd be much further ahead getting something more suitable that can live long term. There are so many cichlids (though you'd have to go with natural ones) that can work great these smaller tanks.
You could go with kirbs, convicts, rams, angels (if the tank is 18" high or more,) festivums... there's a world of possibilities ;)
Kribs, rams, apistogramma, angels, keyholes, small eartheaters are all great choices if you want a cichlid or two in there.

Convicts are only good if you don't mind keeping them all alone, they won't tolerate any tankmates. Severums are much too big.
Hi all well I was thinking about angel fish but looked up the choices you gave and Iv got to say I think iv feel in love with the convicts.
They are really pretty and alittle different which is what im after
I dont have a problem keeping them alone It was the type of thing I was after
Now the size of my tank can I just keep the one in there?
Does anyone know of any good sites I can take alook at?
Also what type of tank set up do they like?

Also how easy are the to get in Fish shops.I live in the uk?
Thanks alot everyone has been really helpful

Can you please take alook at this site the second picture down
?Is this a convict?
sorry, but no. that's not a convict cichlid.

for more links, just do a quick websearch for "Archocentrus nigrofasciatus" or "convict cichlid". convicts are very popular and prolific little fish, so there's no shortage of information on them.

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