I Would Like 2 Add A Butterfly Fish 2 My Aquarium


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
i would like 2 add a butterfly fish 2 my aquarium and was wondering if it would b ok.
i have a pictus catfish (he was in a group but got 2 agressive n is much happier on his own) a medium 2 large angel, and a bristle nose catfish.
atm its only idea ofcourse if it wont work i wont add the butterfly fish.
o the tank is 60l, lots of high plants but open swimming place n a few caves.
and or what else could i add thats unusual and different?
You can add the butterfly if your aquarium has a hood. African butterflies doesn't need lots of open swimming space and it won't go into your caves. It does occasionally glide short distances though.
i had heard the cauld fly. well not so much fly as glide would llike 2 see that but dont want 2 put the fish in harms way.
the lid covers the entire tank excpet for a whole in the front smaller then the size of an austrlian 20c piece, so dont think he will b able 2 get out of that smaller space.
only 60L?!? that's slightly more than 15g--a relatively small tank already full of good-sized fish.

i'd would argue that NO, you cannot add an ABF. or anything else, for that matter.
ok fair enough (o by the way this is bozza)
what size tank would be good for a single butterfly ?
are buttrflyfish able to live on there own?
I would argue that African Butterflys should have plenty of open swimming space with some of the surface covered in floating plants for comfort(I have also seen floating decor logs for sale...AFB might enjoy that). I believe Afb need alot of open swimming as I have seen mine after my lights are out and it moves around alot and the fact it only uses the top level and not the rest of the tank would make me think the recommended tank size for a abf should be reveiwed...but im no expert....And it's usually best to keep 1 African Butterfly or a large group as if there are two they will squabble
I wouldn't agree with the two thing from things I have read. It is true that the smaller one or the lesser one won't get the territory it wants.... But I'd say if you have 1/8 the surface covered by plans on both sides, go for it. that means each will get a territory. and have tons of swimming space.

Now, in your case, no.

they're realitivly incompatible with angels due to their finnage. and honestly, depending on dimensions, I don't know if the angels will be suited to the tank for long either :/ :X

still, I'm sure you can arrange it somehow to where they have a good life.

Now pica said add nothing, but I'm going to disagree and say, if there's proper filtraion to get things around the tank, go for some bamboo or vampire shrimps to spice the tank up. I think smaller things would get eaten by the angels, but these would do okay.
If you want a Butterfly fish i would suggest that a 36" tank would be minimum length for a fully grown individual .. If you want more than one then you need to make sure you get a male and a female.

You can distinguish sex from the anal fin shape. Males fins have a curved edge nearest to the tail and the female's is straight.

My Butterfly fish jumped out of the cable hole in the rear of my tank, found the poor bugger dead on the floor when i got home from work :(
the reason y i have 2 diff acounts is well Bozza is my bf n i was usuing his acount till i finally sey my own up didnt realy tank that long but ne way this is mine VampirePlec n ill b usin it from now on.

ok thanx 4 the advice i thought the tank mite have been abit small but if u dont ask ur not gonna find out. the angel isnt permanently in that tank just till i get my large pleco tank set up atm hes only reasonanble small but hes happy, doesnt seem at all stressed.
i will think bout the gost shrimp but i cant say iv seen them here, alot of fish over your way arnt as easely availible here.
DarkEntity, im sorry 2 hear about your loss it is horrible 2 come home n find one of your fave fish crisp n dry on the floor.
i was wondering about the angel catfish, and the striped talking catfish and the spotted talking catfish.
can anyone tell me much about these beautifull fish?
wat tank size is needed?
are the three compatable?
with a larger tank cauld i be able to add my pictus,bristle nose, and mayb a peppermint bristle nose aswell?
if i was only to get one of these catfish what siz tank would i need? (to also enclude the pictus, bristlenose and maybe a peppermint bristle nose aswell)

thankyou in advance VampirePlec
Dont know much about the others but the Striped Talking Cat (Raphael Cat) will grow to about 6Inches Plus and at that size will take pretty much anything it can get in its mouth. (well mine did)

Also be aware that its covered in rather sharp thorns. Other than that mine kept to itself unless bothered or opertunist eating ;)
thankyou very much i did find a striped talking catfish in one of my local pert stores but im not sure if its the fish for me i love it n all but it was $89.95 n im only starting out in catfish and i knoe for a fanatic thats not that much, but i would like to have more evxperience before i spend that much on a fish and it took alot of streangth to say that but im looking out for the best interest for the fish. for now i am just going to stay with pictus catfish and plecos.

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