I will not get another betta

I do know that if I ever see a crowntail swimming around in one of those plastic cups at the fish store I won't be able to help myself. It might not hurt just to browse....
Get rid of the furniture and cats. Bettas love you more anyhow!
A bed is just the biggest waste of space! Why sleep in a bed when there is much more floor space to sleep on. :fun: :p :D :lol:

uabassoon said:
I do know that if I ever see a crowntail swimming around in one of those plastic cups at the fish store I won't be able to help myself.  It might not hurt just to browse....
Crowntails!!! Did Someone mention Crowntails??? :hyper:
How could Someone ever resist a Crowntail??? :drool:

Edit: I'm sure it'll not hurt to browse.... :hey:
No kdding! I want a crowntail so dang bad! I check wuv's adoption page every single day waiting for one to show up hee hee. I even tried to bribe her to send be all their pictures. :p

By the way those betta barracks are way neat! :hyper:
hehe i went to the fish store today and im going to buy a thousan fish bowls :D and own a thousand bettas :D (can a betta go with my fish that i have ... and dont worry my overstocked tank is being seperated in 3 days!)
I started with a betta because I moved to a new team at work and we wanted something to liven up our new work area. That one has died, but I have acquired 5 more, and my name is on wuv's Floor Boy, so that will be 6.

I also have an empty 5G hex tank at work just waiting for me to put something into.

I was thinking about bettas as part of my home decorating scheme.
When we finally buy our first house, I want to have shelves on one wall (I already have them picked out from IKEA) that cover the entire wall, and have all the shelves be chock full of tanks. Some minibows, some 2.5G glass tanks, some 2G hex tanks - each one with a betta in it.

And I was thinking that depending upon the coloring of the room, I'd color coordinate the rocks and fish to make some sort of pattern.

:shifty: I'm just trying to come up with a justified way to acquire several more bettas, and I think this makes sense!
BettaMomma said:
I was thinking about bettas as part of my home decorating scheme.
When we finally buy our first house, I want to have shelves on one wall (I already have them picked out from IKEA) that cover the entire wall, and have all the shelves be chock full of tanks. Some minibows, some 2.5G glass tanks, some 2G hex tanks - each one with a betta in it.

And I was thinking that depending upon the coloring of the room, I'd color coordinate the rocks and fish to make some sort of pattern.
There was an episode of Trading Spaces, of one of the similar shows, where I believe they attached fishie bowls to the ceiling in certain areas of a room and then put goldfish in them. If it worked with them, there's no reason it wouldn't work with a betta assuming everything was set up properly and the house was nice and warm, and it's an excuse to get even more babies!

Ooh... now that's got me thinking... :shifty:
Haiku said:
So have you given in yet to the inevitable? :D
I've decided to use my tax return for evil instead of good! My friends invited me to Palm Springs this weekend! So instead of going betta shopping, I'll be spending the weekend lounging around a pool! But I'm sure it won't be too long before I give in and bring a new betta home.
You know, they say that the first sign of having a problem is denial so if you don't deny it and get a new one, then you don't have a problem right? I have been telling myself that I was not going to get any more bettas. I was doing good for a couple months. Then today I had to make a fish food run. While I was there naturally I had to walk through the betta isle and what was there blew me away. Plakats, double tails, and CROWN TAILS!!!!!! My all time favoriet betta. There were hardly any veil tails there which was a surprise cause that's all they ever have. I stood there looking them over and suddenly the 2 spare tanks that I HAD came to mind. To make a long story short those 2 spare tanks now house a palkat and a CT bringing my number up to 10.
There was an episode of Trading Spaces, of one of the similar shows, where I believe they attached fishie bowls to the ceiling in certain areas of a room and then put goldfish in them
That is absolutely horrible, considering you need at least 20 gallons per goldfish and the poor things make so much ammonia that even cleaning a bowl daily pretty much doesn't do it for them. :unsure:

I currently have 6 bettas but do not intend on getting any more, possibly ever, and if not, than not for a long time. I had a brief affair with "rescuing" store bettas who were dying. I specifically chose ones who were almost dead so that they'd have a peaceful place to die, and I could then get refunded, thus losing the store money and giving me an opprotunity to ***** them out over how they care for their fish. :shifty: However, I had a few sucess stories, and as I got better at treating them.... more fish. I basically ran out of space, money, and time for any more since I like to have each in at least 5 gallons filtered and heated. Expensive hobby indeed.
I don't know that I'll be getting any more fish in general as I'm not entirely sure I feel right about keeping them, seeing as they're so out of their element captive. Or rather, I'm very thoroughly dissapointed by the fishkeeping industry right now, and don't want to pump any more of my money into it. If I do get any more, it will be a nice, domesticated goldfish (I have lots of big tanks lying around), or a healthy, quality betta from a breeder. I think I'd make more of a statement supporting a reputable breeder than buying VTs from a pet store so they can continue to keep them in sh!t conditions. In the mean time, I'll keep complaining and leafletting and boycotting. I actually had a word with the manager of Pet Supplies Plus in Scranton today about the fish. I went in to pick up some toys for my bird (I ended up not buying them after what I saw) when I saw a betta that had been dead so long it was nearly rotted, and the others were in advanced stages of fin rot. Even worse, they suddenly have painted glass fish there! And this is a store I usually like. I asked to see a manager immediately and informed him that, though I've spent hundreds in his store in the past on cages, food, and medicines, I'll never shop there again until they stop selling painted glass fish (I explained why) and started taking better care of their bettas. As I so eloquently put it "I'd expect this kind of betta care from wallmart; its the reason I shop here and not there for my fish. However, if you're going to keep them in these conditions, I might as well shop at Wallmart since at least there I get savings and convenience for having to put up with animal cruelty."

Wow, that got rambly.

So, in short, I guess I'm the only person in this thread who's serious when I say "I will not get another betta." :rofl:

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