I will not get another betta


New Member
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
Tucson, Az
I must keep repeating that to myself. I just got in my tax return, and it's so tempting now that I have extra money. I do not need another tank in my room, it took me a long time to find a spot to fit Yuki's tank! I will not get another Betta!
Show of hands, who thinks ubassoon is going to get another betta?

Or at least thinks he *should*.

*raises hand*
:lol: You are supposed to be helping me! I don't want to have to stand in front of my local bettaholics annoymous group and say "Hi, I'm addicted to Bettas".
We are helping you :D The first step to recovery is over-indulgence. :thumbs:

...at least I think that's how it works.
Yes definately. Its like chocolate- you eat it till you throw up, then never eat it again! Except you can't throw bettas up.... Ah well, do it anyway.
If you have to start taking things to the Salvation Army to make room for your betta, go ahead. That's not a sign of a problem. I mean, it's really sort of a win-win situation. Some betta out there needs a good home, and some person out there needs...... well, your stuff..

Get rid of things you just don't need.
Like your couch...
and your bed....
and your dining room table....

stuff like that.
you know, stuff that will give you the most room for tanks per item removed.
Basically all you need to stay in your house is a computer desk, computer, and chair so you can get on here and show us your lovely adoptions.

If it's not mentioned above, get it gone. It's part of the problem.

:rofl: Couch, dining room table! If only my shoebox apartment was large enough for those!

If I do get another tank it will have to be in my bedroom, I have two cats and I don't fully trust them. I've seen them knock over and break a t.v. before! So when I go to work I put the cats in the living room so that I can be sure Yuki and the frogs will be safe.
I sympathize with living in a shoebox apartment.

And I also understand the kitty thing. My cats ate one betta and gave one of my gerbils a heart attack/stroke.

I say go for it though...
I live in a shoebox apartment too so i feel your pain.
I do, however have a couch that I've positioned so I can sit and look at my fishes :rolleyes:
:lol: You guys are too funny!

If you're anything like me, though, I'd say you will end up with more. I always said one was enough for me, and I now own 12...

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