I went to the fish store and asked for 2 siamese algae eaters, the person there gave me 2 CHINESE algae eaters instead...

It's always good to study pictures of the fish you want before you go to buy. Store clerks won't know Latin names, and trade names are often really close or really inaccurate. Siamese algae eaters tend to be harder to find and more expensive than super cheap Chinese algae eaters around here. The average store here doesn't have them often.

if you didn't pay cash, the receipt should be on your banking app.
To add a cople of things to what has already been mentioned. "Algae eaters" tends to be misconstrued. Some fish will eat common green algae and diatoms, but will not touch "problem" algae. Most of the fish that might--and I say might--sort of eat "problem" algae have very specific needs, are larger than any tank under 4-5 feet in length will house, and frequently have dispositions that can cause real problems in a community tank. Unloess you want fish "x" as a fish and assuming it is suited to your tank, do not acquire any fish to deal with algae.

I concur with others, get rid of these two CAE ASAP. Even if the store will just take them without a refund it is worth it. They will be trouble. Two will fight, and attack other fish.
If a clerk gives you a fish, why did you go to the store. You make the identifications, and the choices, or it's no use going. The clerk may mean well but know less than you. He/she could have been selling shoes yesterday.

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