I went and bought new fish


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
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Ontario Cananda
I got 5 Cherry Barbs and put them in my 5gallon quarintine tank. There are 3 females and 2 males. Are the males always red tinted? Or do people make them go that colour for sale purposes? From what I've read the males are a red colour when they are spawning. Just wondering so I don't freak out if they lose the red colour and think they are sick lol. They look very happy in their new home and are very nice looking. The colouring is very nice and they look healthy so far. I think they will spend about 2 weeks in quarintine, then will be moved in with my Black Skirt Tetras. Hopefully they will get along :unsure:

Don't freak out, your cherry barbs are fine. The male cherry barbs are always red when they are in the mood for a spawn, unlike the females that are a very dull shade of brown. Unlike other barbs, the cherry barb is a very nice fish that dosen't normally nip fins. ^_^ ;) ^_^ ;) ^_^ ;) ^_^ ;) .

Betta Lover
My cherry barbs are both male (so no hanky panky going on) and they still are pretty red (after two months). The color must get super intense when they are "in the mood" to look any redder than this! :hyper:

Anyway, how big are your black skirt tetras and how big are your barbs? Mine were tiny (I used four to cycle the tank) when I put my (much larger) b/s tetras in the tank with them. It was the 28 gal tank, lots of plants, etc. At first things seemed great, but then the barbs started hiding and didn't come up to eat. :sad: Then one disappeared altogether -- never found him. :-(

Out of concern for their safety, I put them in my 10 gallon. One died right away (stress?). The two remaining currently share that with one krib and are getting on ok. When they are bigger, I might try them back in the 28, or I might let them stay with the krib in the 29 I am going to be setting up for the krib and a mate, since they are used to each other.

If your tetras are juveniles, you'll probably be fine. I think the size of mine was the real issue. Good luck!
My tetras are pretty much full grown. But my barbs are pretty big as well and won't be moving in with the tetras for at least 2-3 weeks, so they have some growing time. I'm hoping that there won't be any problems, but it there are I will put them back in the 5gallon until I get my other tank set up. I wasn't to sure on the colour of the males b/c the way I read it, they were normally the colour of the female, and only turned red when spawning. But it would be cool if they stay a little red at all times. It looks pretty neat. Oh and I like the colour of the females. Most people don't.

I think one of my barbs died b/c I don't see her anymore, she didn't come out to eat. She stayed to herself, whereas the others go everywhere together. I'm just working up the nerve to move the deco I last saw her hiding in. Maybe I'll get the hubby to do it while I'm gone. I can't stand dead fish, they creep me out :blink:


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