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This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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ok, I'll do it here then,

This is the setting

US 37 Gallons

2 Tomato Clowns


1 Anenome
1 Starfish (Sea Biscuit)
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Sea Urchin
1 Sea Apple


1 Protein Skimmer
2 Internal Box Filters
1 Sponge Filter


1 Clam Ornament
Several Coral Ornaments
Several Large Pieces of Tufa Rock

Reef Background on a roll
300watt Lighting
Live Rock

Well, thats just about it. 3 Questions though.

1. Is what I has said ok?
2. Can I add more fish?
3. Can I add more inverts?

Thanks! :)
well, there are a few problems with your probosed set-up. do you intend to go for a reef or fisjh only tank? if a reef (which I think you want) then I would avoid the starfish and go for a red brittle star. I would also get more shrimps, say 6. don't put a sea apple in as if these die or get stressed, they can wipe out your tank. I don't know what you mean by sponge filter but I would think it is un-neccacary. what type of skimmer are you having and what type of lighting are you having.
don't put tufa rock in as this can absorb toxins such as nitrate and phosphate and release them back in to the water at a later date. the anenomy should be ok but don't add him untill the tank is at least 6 months old. I would also, get some mini hermits in there. And yes, you could have a few more fish as long as you build them up slowly. :)
well, there are a few problems with your probosed set-up. do you intend to go for a reef or fisjh only tank?

yes reef :D

if a reef (which I think you want) then I would avoid the starfish and go for a red brittle star.

Noo! :-( Is there a good reason for this?

I would also get more shrimps, say 6.

Why? Is it nessesary?

don't put a sea apple in as if these die or get stressed, they can wipe out your tank.

I really like those animals and are they hard to keep? How do they get stressed? Because they are handled all the time when i went to underwaterworld and they are in a reef tank and never seem to do anything like that.

I don't know what you mean by sponge filter but I would think it is un-neccacary. what type of skimmer are you having and what type of lighting are you having.

So for a tank that size, all I would need is a decent skimmer? Not sure on lighting though, how good would it have to be for what I said I wanted?

don't put tufa rock in as this can absorb toxins such as nitrate and phosphate and release them back in to the water at a later date.

Ok, I guess my tank will be all live rock anyway.

I would also, get some mini hermits in there.

Once again, is it nessesary? and what for? :D

Thanks you have been a great help. :nod:
Starfish (Sea Biscuit) sounds like a coral eater to me you have to watch some starfish as they will not be reef safe. shrimps are good cleaners and you need a good clean up crew in marine tanks. the hermits need to be the first to go in and then the shrimps. before anything else. also, the red brittle star will clean. sea apples are not that difficult to keep but need stability. I know a lot of people who have had them with no problems what so ever. its your choice, just letting you know that it could wipe out the tank. like I said, I know lots of people who do have them. I just see a lot of people starting out with marine and then having a wipe out. then all there time and effort and money is lost and it can put people off for life. if you have two large internal filters for chemical filtration and water movement and a good skimmer along with live rock, then that should be fine to filter your tank. also, do you want to keep live corals? if so, a single 150 watt metal halide would be enough with a couple of actinic tubes.
I don't want live corals, but after a lot of research I relieze that the only thing in my tank that seems to need light is the sea anenome - am I right? If I am right, then how much watts would I need?
yep, the only thing in the tank that neds light is your anenomy. I'm not sure what wattage halides come in over there but here, the best would be a 150 watt. you could use 4 t8 tubes but the light quality wouldn't be as good.
I just wanted to re-assure, just to be sure but, it says that you live in the UK. You do know that my tank is 37 'US' gallons, right? Just to be sure ;) .
No way you need 6 cleaner shrimps in there! But you want a total of 35-40 snails and crabs in some combination. Avoid the cukes for the reasons mentioned. And the brittle star will be a better cleaner, sifter, etc. Easier to care for.

I wouldn't go too wild on fish ... anyhting you add keep them small and peaceful a clown goby or something like that.
not 6 cleaners! say 2 blood 2 cleaner and 2 peppermint.
Maybe but in a 37G one cleaner will be fine if enough snails and crabs. The latter route is more cost effective, and will do a better job of cleaning the glass, eating hair and other nasty algaes...
Thanks alot for the help on this topic - if i have anymore questions Ill just re-enact this algaelising post. :nod:

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