Fish Gatherer
You mean...good woman!!
Hey cat fish crazy,
Ya know, I was sitting here starting to research the fish you named when I realized something....why do I care what you think!? I don't!! I love my fish and they are just that, MY fish. All I saw was a picture of a violet doby which personally I think is a very ugly fish, but the fish you choose to keep are just that, YOUR choice of fish. I wish you could respect my choices as well and since you don't maybe try and just leave it alone next time I mention my Blood Parrot. You don't have to be rude to me just because you don't agree. CM doesn't agree with the making of the Blood Parrot, and he stated his opinion very nicely as I would have also. But you, you are just plain rude about it. So as far as me figuring out if you keep any fish that are dyed or inhumanely treated, forget it. Chances are 90% of the fish that we all buy are in some way mistreated somewhere down the road from there natural habitats to the LFS or in traveling, etc. I think the bottom line here is that we all treat the fish that we do buy with the up-most respect and nurture them and care for them properly. My Blood Parrot Polly is a fascinating fish that I absolutely love. I don't agree with the dying of any fish, but he was dyed and there is nothing I can do about that now. There are so many things in this world that I wish I could change or become a part in to help change, but the fact is that most things will not get better, they will continue on their paths of destruction. But I do love my fish and I treat them well. What is worse... a healthy beautiful Blood Parrot that has much room to swim and a lovely healthy home and enough food and clean water.... or an Angel that was put in a tank with agressive cichlids that have attacked his fins to where he has none, that has dingey smelly water and does not get fed properly.
Think about it *
Please respect my hobby as I will respect yours.

You mean...good woman!!

Hey cat fish crazy,
Ya know, I was sitting here starting to research the fish you named when I realized something....why do I care what you think!? I don't!! I love my fish and they are just that, MY fish. All I saw was a picture of a violet doby which personally I think is a very ugly fish, but the fish you choose to keep are just that, YOUR choice of fish. I wish you could respect my choices as well and since you don't maybe try and just leave it alone next time I mention my Blood Parrot. You don't have to be rude to me just because you don't agree. CM doesn't agree with the making of the Blood Parrot, and he stated his opinion very nicely as I would have also. But you, you are just plain rude about it. So as far as me figuring out if you keep any fish that are dyed or inhumanely treated, forget it. Chances are 90% of the fish that we all buy are in some way mistreated somewhere down the road from there natural habitats to the LFS or in traveling, etc. I think the bottom line here is that we all treat the fish that we do buy with the up-most respect and nurture them and care for them properly. My Blood Parrot Polly is a fascinating fish that I absolutely love. I don't agree with the dying of any fish, but he was dyed and there is nothing I can do about that now. There are so many things in this world that I wish I could change or become a part in to help change, but the fact is that most things will not get better, they will continue on their paths of destruction. But I do love my fish and I treat them well. What is worse... a healthy beautiful Blood Parrot that has much room to swim and a lovely healthy home and enough food and clean water.... or an Angel that was put in a tank with agressive cichlids that have attacked his fins to where he has none, that has dingey smelly water and does not get fed properly.
Think about it *
Please respect my hobby as I will respect yours.