I want to give a Betta to my fiancee


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
I'm going to buy a little 5 gallon tank. I've seen them for pretty good prices at the fish store

I will cycle it fishless as the water in my 20g tank isn't quite safe yet! I know she loves bettas so I will do things right for her, that's why I'm starting right now! (also to get experience)

So I'll bet getting the 5g tank. It comes with gravel and a little filter.

Would I need a heater for the betta to control temp?

I plan on feeding him frozen bloodworms, fresh bbs, guppy fry and pellets.

Anything I should know or what to look for in a tank for a betta?
i'll definitely get a heater unless you can somehow keep a contant temperature. i think most people here would agree to keep the water around 68-74 degrees. as for the tank, you want one that can provide a fair amount of surface area since bettas are air-breathers. right now, i've got a 5.5g that is 16"(w)x10"(h)x8"(d), a filter, a heater, and lots of silk plants. i didn't put any gravel in because it was easier to clean and i had constipated bettas before so i want to keep an eye out to make sure that my little girl is going to the washroom! hope that helps! i'm sure lots of people have other suggestions as well! good luck in finding that special betta for your fiancee!!! ;)
A heater is a great addition :) Temps should be kept between 74 min and 82. My fishroom holds the water at 82, but I know many people prefer lower around 78 or so :thumbs:
The heater in the betta tank is good, because they do like warmer temperatures.
In my five gallon betta tank, I also have a couple of floating plants at the surface.
It just gives them a place to build a mini-bubble nest.

i think i will get a 2.5 gallon tank.
There is a divider that comes with it but i wouldn't use it. At least not for now as I don't want to keep the fish in only 1 gallon of water.

The tank is very nice, all acrylic.

It comes with a little filter too.
I'll put in the smallest heater I can find, some gravel and a few plants and small decorations inside. Should be nice and my girlfriend will love it! Especially since I'll have put lots of time preparing it for her :) :wub:

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